My 10 year old son first buck (big 9)

Well first off, we left the house a little late. Stopped by the Sudden Service to grab a couple biscuits and drinks. You know kids like to go in quick stops. We get in the ground blind about 10 minutes till 7. About 730 I see a coyote. I tell my son to slide over and set on my knee and get ready. I made a little squeak noise and he stopped broadside. Boom! Coyote did the curly shuffle spinning around squalling and then hit the dirt. My son was so excited and laughing about how it acted when it was shot. He said let's go see it. I said he ain't going anywhere, we're deer hunting. I told him great shot (about 80 yards) and that a coyote is a lot smaller than a deer and it was good practice. He hit my 6" steel targets yesterday at 70 yards all three shots with a rest. So after drilling the yote, I had confidence on him shooting a deer at 100 yards. He said dad, blow your grunt call. So I did a little sequence. About 745, a doe pops out of the woods and stops, then looks back. I told him to get ready. Then two fawns run out. They fed around until the big doe got downwind of the coyote. She alarmed and walked back towards the yote to about 10 yards. Then turned and trotted back towards her fawns. They keep grazing and she is still nervous. We watched them for 5 minutes and then I look back to my left and see another deer. Throw up the binoculars and see its a nice one. He started walking towards the does. My son sat on my knee again and I got the scope cranked up to 9. I cocked the hammer back for him and I plugged my ears. He stopped and I said there's your shot. (100 yards or so) Boom he jumped and ran about 30 yards and stopped. I grabbed the gun and shucked another round in it and said put another one in him! He is standing there and boom, he drills him again. I can tell he is hurt and he hit him twice. He stops again and I shuck another one in and said give him another one. Before he gets on him again the buck stops and does the death wobble and falls! I gave him a hug and told him great shooting son! We look over there and see his horns moving and my son said we have to go get him. Can't see for another shot I grab the gun and we bail out of the blind and head towards him. By the time we get there he has expired. He hit him both shots. Liver stomach lung on one and shoulder lung on the other. Both pass throughs, 150 grain Remington Core-looks out of the same 30/30 I killed my first and biggest buck back in 1987. All I can say is we were super blessed this morning and I can't be any happier! Sorry for the long post.
Great deer and a bonus yote! Great memories!