My biggest bird ever on an 8 minute hunt


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2009
Reaction score
Dyer County, TN
Today will never be forgotten. As a high school teacher and baseball coach I don't get a lot of time to turkey hunt. With no practice this afternoon I hurried home after school a changed clothes. I met my hunting buddy at his house at about 325. We were walking in to an area that we knew some birds had been earlier in the year. As we got close to the area we thought we were gonna set up, a gobbler ran buy out of nowhere and into the woods about 125 yds down the wood line. We decided to go set up right where he went in. We set up about 5 yds in the woods facing the field. I sat there contemplating putting out a decoy and whether to call. Also thinking we may have screwed up this area. I was facing the left and my buddy toward the right. I had my gun propped up on my knee checking the woods and field all down the left side. I turned my head to the right and there he stood about 20-25 yds in the field. My buddy was steadily texting away on his phone and had no clue. The turkey had us pegged immediately. I whispered to him don't move. Of course, he held his head up from his phone to look and the tom bolted about 5 steps and stopped. I was able to get off a quick shot through an opening and it happened to be a good one. I had no clue how big he was until he stopped flopping. And thank you lord he stopped in that gap. Has a double beard 10 1/4 and 9 inches. 1 1/4 spurs and 24 lbs.

Congrats I killed my best bird Saturday and my first double beard. Almost identical to yours except mine was only 18lbs.