National Bowhunters Association


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2012
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west tn usa
Since I joined the NBA I have been talking , through emails , with Stan Chiras about its plans for the near future. I made the suggestion to him about each state having it's own chapter of the NBA and he said that was definitely going to happen eventually and ask if I would help and be a part of getting that going. Having a chapter for each state would allow more people get involved and participate in state sanction events. I was just trying to get some feedback from you good folks on here and see if I couldn't strike up some interest. Thanks in advance for your input.
I've been at this game for quite a while and this ain't my first rodeo when it comes to organizing middle Tennessee bowhunters!

Middle TN is the worst place I have ever encountered for uninterested apathetic bowhunters!!! There are many states that have wonderful bowhunting organizations that do a great job of supporting its' members and protecting bowhunting and bowhunter's rights!

The Montana and West Virginia bowhunting are organizations that are well organized and have considerable clout in their states! Their governors attend their respective meetings at times.

As an example, when the TWRA has their annual committee meetings where new rules, seasons, and guidelines are discussed and voted on....bowhunters are glaringly absent! The trout fishermen and bear hunters from East TN better represented than the bowhunting community!

A few years ago in May 2005, when the crossbow became a topic at these TWRA meetings to vote on legalizing, how many bowhunters came out to speak for or against this initiative? Four people did and I was one of them! None of the local or national bowhunting organizations with local members were in attendance and thus ended my 25 year membership in the PBS!

A national organization will fail at trying to organize bowhunters here in mid TN, period! A local grass roots based organization would have a greater chance of success if it was backed properly! There have been those that have tried tried to form such an organization, taken peoples money and folded up like a house of cards!

Sounds like this ain't Hoss's first rodeo either! I would love to see bowhunters in TN organized and I would work tirelessly to that end with the right organization!
Yes DixieCrafter. I was part of a organization called the "United Bowhunters of Tennessee". We were actually very successful in addressing several points with the TWRC. But as is too often the case as other things did not go our way, membership dwindled. As the organization made individual decisions to support or oppose this thing or that thing the membership would quit in a huff because things did not go their way. New potential members would refuse to join because we did something or did not do enough. Basically we found out that if you don't do things exactly like everyONE wanted it done those who wanted more or something different would just quit and then bad mouth you. Even if they agreed with every other thing you stood for or did. I found this to be true with bowhunters, target archers, church members, community groups, Little Leagues, School Districts, etc.
For some reason we seem to be a state chocked full of people that want things their own way and will not tolerate anything less than full compliance. Now obviously that is an unfair generalization, but it is more accurate than not.
So, good luck on any attempt to organize bowhunters, trophy hunters, deer hunters, or any other group in Tennessee. It is a very difficult task. I would love to see a bowhunter group as effective as West Virginia's, Indiana's, Wisconsin's, Texas's, etc.(But then I have been told I am an elitist). But we were unable to bring the factions together in Tennessee and others have been unable to as well. Good Luck!
Hoss, if memory serves you were OR are the state NBEF instructor! What's happened to that program? Nevertheless, I see that you have had your time in the barrel as a VOLUNTEER! LOL
It isn't just Hoss. I was there with him. Hoss is right. Everybody wants it their way or I will take my bow and go home. Hell this ain't Burger King. Hoss and I have bent over backward for the causes. And I dare say if the causes came back up we would be there again. If we can get everyone to just kind of agree on an agenda then it might be worth the effort.
Thanks for remembering that DixieCrafter. Toxophilite Phil was the State Chairman before I was. We have definately worked a few trenches together over the years.
The TWRA still lists the Bowhunter Education Program as active. After I stepped down as State Chairman, in 2002, there were several changes in the leadership structure on the state level and on the national level. This is indicative of just what I outlined earlier. I truly hope to get back involved one day.
A lot of what happened is indicative of the times. I am truly worried that the future of bowhunting in Tennessee is not very bright.
Bowhunting needs caretakers. Any kind of endeavor that requires the level of committment that bowhunting requires need people that will teach, train, encourage and lift that endeavor. I am not sure bowhunting has enough caretakers. The leaders in bowhunting today seem more concerned about what they can carry away from the sport (trophys,how many filled tags per year, B&C points, TV contracts, etc.) as opposed to what they can leave behind for the sport.
I love the sport. I think bowhunting provides great life lessons. That has led to me being labeled as an elitist. At first I was offended by that label, but now I embrace it. I guess in some ways I am an elitist, but I think that is a good thing. I believe hunting is a noble and beneficial cause, I believe deer hunting is noble and beneficial cause, and I believe Bowhunting is a noble and beneficial cause. I think of myself as a caretaker of bowhunting, deer hunting and hunting in general. Because of that we need more caretakers and lovers of the sport, more guys like Toxophilite Phil.
Thanks Jeff for the comments. Jeff is an elitist. He is an elitist in the fact that he believes in the time honored tradition of being a bowhunter. He is an elitist in the fact that the reward is worthy of the effort involved. He is an elitist in the fact that most bowhunters will never know what efforts he has exerted on their behalf so they can enjoy this great sport, he doesn't want his horn tooted about it. He is an elitist in his long lasting friendship to myself and others that have helped in the efforts to perpetuate this sport for the ages to enjoy and pursue.
Odd that this topic was brought up. I was asked this week to hold a bowhunter lecture and demonstration for a church youth group yesterday. I hadn't really taught or talked to a group in a couple of years. All the thoughts and emotions that I have experienced as an instructor came flooding my memories. There were around 15 boys with about 5 adults there.And you would have thought I was handing out 100 dollar bills. The excitement on everyone's face reminded me of why I do this. We have to do it for the love of the sport. Any money, or awards or horn blowing will not and can not perpetuate this sport.Jeff and I have spent many weekends in setting up classes, studying, getting our material together just to teach 5 students. But THEY wanted to learn and know about bowhunting.
As for a state or national organization most folks that join think you have to have shoots or tournaments involved. There can be but that can't be the main agenda. A state organization should be in place to help fend off any anti hunting propaganda that just might rise up from deep in the bowels of the state government. An example being if some contractor had ties to a state representative and the contractor wanted to have bill brought up that would close hunting on a piece of property because it butted right up to some of his property that he had plans to build a subdivision or condos on and he couldn't sell any of the units if cars and people were walking over there property or guns were going off next door. The state organization would hear of the plans for the bill and the state org would alert the rest of the hunters in the state about and then the hunters voice would be heard. That is what a state organization would be for and then have a yearly meeting to elect officers to run the program. But without folks like Hoss this is an all uphill struggle.
I'm not exactly in middle TN. I live in Cumberland County, 65 miles West of Knoxville off I-40. I've been bowhunting going on 21 years and I have enjoyed every second of it. I have twin boys that are 9 that I'm going to get started in a few years as well. I understand what was said above about "As for a state or national organization most folks that join think you have to have shoots or tournaments involved. There can be but that can't be the main agenda. A state organization should be in place to help fend off any anti hunting propaganda that just might rise up from deep in the bowels of the state government." Maybe it's just me, but around this area, Cumberland, Fentress, Morgan county areas there is not what i'd call a lot of Bow hunters. I think if something like this was started I would do all I could to help even though i'm not in your area. I do get down to Smith county and bow hunt some each year. Thanks for you past and present efforts from the guys above.

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