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Need a little help


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2008
Reaction score
Belk Tennessee
I was out shooting today, my arrow wouldn't fly like they did the day before. The only way I can explain it, is they would kinda "dance" around at 30yds.

I shot the day before and they were flying perfect.. I'm talking 50yds in a baseball size group. My question is, what would cause such a big change in my pattern?

I went from 50yds shooting a baseball size group or better... to 40yds about the width of a football. I'm not very good at adjusting the bow, so I wanted to ask some experts before I started adjusting stuff.
You talking about the twist of the string? I just put a new string on it in Janurary. I guess it could be the string. How do I check it?, measure my ATA?
Did you measure the ATA before you changed the string. Depending on what kind of string you are using you may be getting a little streach if you shoot a lot. Anything that changes the arrows alignment with the string or the rest and even the bow itself can cause erratic arrow flight.
Well.. I didn't measure it before I changed strings.. But the factory specs say 31.75 ATA.

Measured mine just a second ago, it's an 1/8th off from the factory.

452x string. Bucknasty. Mod's don't have any play in them.

My WB might have been knocked off a little. but you would think you would notice a difference before 30yds.
Try paper shooting it with an arrow with no vanes or fletching. This should tell you how true the arrow is comming off the rest. dont worry about the difference in the ATA measurement, just tune the bow so that the arrow is flying straight. I hope this helps.
Has you shot it since the last time when you were getting the football group to make sure it still doesn't shoot like before. You could have just been having an off day, it happens.
First of all what kind of bow are we talking here?
Shane I say try this first. Don't shoot for a few days and then go back an shoot another round don't change anything(we all have really bad days sometimes). If your problem presists check for clearance on the cables. Then go over ALL the measurements on the bow. ATA, Brace hight, draw weight,center shot, tiller ect.

Beyond that I would retune. I say to hell with paper tune. If you can trulely shoot 50yds I would "walk back tune" starting at 10-15yds all the way back to 50. Too many other things come into play when paper tuning, like arrow spine da da da ect. Also check your cable slide(if it is the old style not rollers) I had one back out on me one time and the whole thing went to crap, but it is an easy fix. Could be a lot of things so just start with the easiest things first.
Good Advice bobthebowhunter!!! It could just be a bad shooting day or maybe you are holding your bow slightly different. I would not go adjusting my bow just yet. As far as paper tuning I just do that to get close and then do the walk back tuning, that is the best.

If you changed nothing do nothing...
Wait and shoot again the next day before making a change...
Some shooter will just have an off day...

Just make sure you are doing the same thing every time from head to toe...before making changes...
Yeah I wasn't having an off day. I was holding steady and the arrows were going over to the right about a foot.

My vertical was perfect, but horizonal was terrible. About to go shoot it again, I'm thinking my WB may have been bumped a little.

08 Bowtech Tomkat, Wb rest. Bucknasty string..
If it shot great one day, and was all over the place the next (and no physical changes to the bow), my guess would be you are probably shooting somewhere near your house. A lot of times if you are standing beside a house or some other fixture and your target is beyond the corner of your house, your arrow will catch wind currents when it reaches the corner of the house (clean air) and it will cause your arrow to kick. Wind doesn't have to be whipping to cause that kick. Try moving away from the house or fixture which will give you consistent air to the target. Same thing use to cause me fits until I figured out what was causing it. Sounds crazy, but it works.
It's possible you could be tourqing the bow causing erratic flight, and can be a big cause of inconsistent grouping from one day to the next ! Make sure you are not "gripping" the bow too tight, keep a loose grip, and let the grip rest on the meaty part of your thumb in your palm
I got the bow fixed.. as I said earlier its not from having a off day. I had to move my rest over because it was hitting my fletching.

No worries now, shot out to 40yds today. I stayed within a baseball group from 10yds to 40yds. All good again
A lot of great ideas. But, honestly, it's just shooting a bow. Some days are better than others. The archers who shoot their best everday are the elite shooters at the top of their game. The rest of us shoot really well one day and then one day we can't seem to hit the broad side of the barn. It is just the way archery seems to work.

However, with more practice and diligence you will get more consistant and those bad days will move toward the same size as you good days. You will also notice the good days are smaller groups, as well. Then, your good days are egg size groups and your bad days are tennis ball size groups. It is the nature of the beast.

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