Looking to get a new slate this year and was going to get a Lonzo Maple Slate but kinda pissed his website shows they are $45 and $5 shipping only to call and order one from him to find out they are $50 and $6.80 shipping.
anyways i was also looking at a houndstooth walnut slate or houndstooth ceramic. anyone had those 3 pots and have opinions on them as far as comparisons? i have used Lon's before so i know the feel and sound of it but i have not done much with Houndstooth calls. I know Lyle is a good guy and makes good calls but just looking for overall opinions at this point. Was going to get just a slate call but i have always heard his Ceramic was one of the best out there but i have not ever heard one first hand to know what kinda sound it produces.
anyways i was also looking at a houndstooth walnut slate or houndstooth ceramic. anyone had those 3 pots and have opinions on them as far as comparisons? i have used Lon's before so i know the feel and sound of it but i have not done much with Houndstooth calls. I know Lyle is a good guy and makes good calls but just looking for overall opinions at this point. Was going to get just a slate call but i have always heard his Ceramic was one of the best out there but i have not ever heard one first hand to know what kinda sound it produces.