Need Youth bow advice/situation


Well-Known Member
Jan 13, 2003
Reaction score
Warren Co
Heres the deal. New neighbors moved in and their son (15) is tore up wanting to learn to hunt. Nobody in the family does so he has drafted me to be his mentor. (poor kid :D )

He has an old compound bow with a worn string, a sight, and a broken plastic flipper rest. Limbs looked ok but I need to really go over it. He is shooting fingers and the draw length is going to limit him switching over to using a release. Currently the limbs are backed all the way out and its just within his ability to draw/hold/shoot correctly. He has zero cash.

What I am trying to figure out is this...

How do you determine if its worth trying to bring an old bow like that up to spec? At a minimum it will need a new string, a huntable adjustable rest. (whisker biscuit?)

My experience messing with bows is limited to modern compounds so I am going to be limited helping get his gear in shape unless we do some upgrades that I know how to adjust.

He has offered to start mowing my yard to earn extra money for his license, and hunting gear.

Should we try and get his bow geared UP to something suitable for hunting? Or should we be looking for a deal on a compound with enough adjustment that he can use it now and grow into it over time?

As you know, proper form and comfort are the most important aspects of archery--especially for a beginner. I would find a bow that is properly suited for his growing needs today and tomorrow. From what you have described it sounds like that is the way to go. I would get his draw length properly measured and then search the classifieds here and over at AT and see if you could find a deal. If I had anything, I would gladly donate them to the kid but I only have "big boy" stuff. Best Wishes to the young man!
I would look for a used Mission Craze or Diamond Razor Edge or any other bow with a wide range of draw lengths and weights. I know the urgency with his passion and deer season right around the corner, but having to wait and work for it will teach a valuable lesson.
those parkers xp's (i think its the xp) are hard to beat for beginers and the prices are good. my wife and cousin both shoot them.
1.) Sell his old bow on craigslist
2.) Take that money, and whatever money he can earn, and find a "new" bow on craigslist in his price range that fits his measurements.

***My neighbor had the same issue and sank quite a bit of money into fixing an old bow until he finally just sold it on Craigslist and upgraded to a Hoyt.

That is what I am worried about. Don't want to steer the boy wrong and have him sink a lot of money into a bow that isn't right for him.

Already told him to forget bow hunting this year, Ill take him during juvi (rifle). We have too many equipment issues to sort out for him to shoot at a deer. Not to mention training him on form, judging distance etc..

Whats a ball park for a decent used bow that can be set light enough for him to use, but versatile enough for him to get a couple years out of before buying his "adult" bow ?
He is at the top end of a kids bow, but not quite ready for an adult bow.

Thought of taking him to a bow shop and get him fitted, but I don't want to get him having $$$$$$ in his eyes and think he has to spend a grand to get a decent bow. Most of the bow shops I have been in try to steer you to a top dollar bow and talk down all the others.
the parker side kick extreme is like 329 and comes with sights whiquer bisc, quiver, tons of ajustment and i think they go up to 60lbs.
bought my wife a new in the box parker xp with all access for 200 bucks off archerytalk you can find great deals on there, if your gonna wait and not hunt archery this year you will get some great deals on new stuff on archerytalk come jan or feb
Fishboy1, I live in Hendersonville, but I would be happy to give you a hand. The bow may not fit him right now. But if you know it will be year before he can hunt, I will look at it and see how close he is. It may be perfect in a year. 15 is a fast age for physical growth. Send me a PM. I will try to hook up with you. I am going out of town this weekend. But next week we can hook up and I will take a look at his bow. I may even have some gear I can donate to get him up and running.
Thanks guys!

Hoss, Im up to my eyeballs in alligators for about 10 days then things should settle down to where I can devote some time to getting him squared away. Sending you a PM with info so we can meet up.

Thanks a ton!

Oh, BTW... not looking to mooch freebies off anyone. I think it is important that this young man work towards his goal and "earn" his hunting. He is a good kid and is at that age where learning about money and the value of work is important.
Hoss said:
Fishboy1, I live in Hendersonville, but I would be happy to give you a hand. The bow may not fit him right now. But if you know it will be year before he can hunt, I will look at it and see how close he is. It may be perfect in a year. 15 is a fast age for physical growth. Send me a PM. I will try to hook up with you. I am going out of town this weekend. But next week we can hook up and I will take a look at his bow. I may even have some gear I can donate to get him up and running.

Hoss, that is a very gracious offer! Kudos to you!!!! :)

I have a Whisker Biscuit that I won at a 'Vou a few years ago that is sitting unopened in my "archery box" here at the house. I don't think it is one of the ultra-adjustables they have come out with in the last year or so-but he is more than welcome to it if you want to put it on his bow. Free normally is pretty good.

Shoot me your mailing address in a pm and I'll get it on its way.
Thanks to everyone for the great advice and offers of help.

SCN, pm sent. I owe you lunch or an adult beverage next time our paths cross.

Hoss, Ill get together with you soon to give his bow a good once over.

What a great bunch of guys on here!

i have some extra stuff sitting around as well. Let me know what you need and when we get out and hunt this fall i will try and see what all i have. I am pretty sure i have an old site as well as stabilizer sitting around. I am pretty sure i have 2 other releases as well, your welcome to whatever i have.
Do you know about what his drawlength would be? If it is fairly short I think I have a Jennings Micro Carbon extreme around here some place.
Thanks again everyone. Just got back in town and will try and do a full evaluation this week.

I think he is excited about earning some $ to get his hunting gear in order.... My yard was mowed and trimmed when I got home without asking. Nice surprise!. :D