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New camera advice.


Well-Known Member
May 1, 1999
Rutherford County, TN
So my trail cameras come down to none left…. so it's time to purchase new ones. I do not have cell service, where I need these, so no need to worry about streaming videos. It's been a while since I bought any. There are too many choices to choose from. I'm wanting your opinion on the most cost efficient, reliable unit.
Browning Spec Ops Elite HP5. They are awesome cameras, especially for video (even though you said you don't need video) - I'm a huge proponent of it because you can learn so much more than a pic, and they also have great customer service

The cheaper option and great for pics only would be the Browning Dark Ops
The cheaper option and great for pics only would be the Browning Dark Ops
I personally still prefer pics (not video) for most my applications.
Which makes the Dark Ops a great non-cell cam option.

What I like in particular about the Dark Ops is that it only requires 6 AA batteries, and battery life is so good you can take thousands of pics and get thru the entire deer season. That's on top of super-fast trigger speeds and recovery times.

The Dark Ops is also true black flash (invisible) and is the smallest sized trail cam in the Browning lineup. By being smaller, it's less likely to be seen by trespassers or wildlife.