Never shot a PSE but as for Hortons, I have an explorer that is dead on accurate. Not sure but you may be paying a little more for that 'Bone Collector' name and just a smidgen more fps.
I have PSE Reaper and have no complaints. Easy to sight in and very accurate. I can't say it's better than any other in it's price range but don't think you would be disappointed in the Reaper or Crossfire.
I've been doing more research and have the new Excalibur Axiom to the list of crossbows. Anybody familiar with this one?
Thanks for the replies. I certainly appreciate your help.
Dang crossbows are awkard as can be to deal with, especially if you have to walk in to you stand and hunt out of a lock on or climbing stand. The compounds are smaller than the recurves.
Choose the Brand n model thats most comfortable to you. Please yerself 1st.I prefer an alum. railed model but i am old fashioned, i prefer a recurve cause i can work on it cheaply! Some great models out there & some fast one's. I prefer a dependable model, i want no surprises while hunting & during hunting season.
Horton imo. If i were you id take a look at the horton ultralite also before considering the bone collector. alot lighter and i like it alot better. now i just need to rustle up the money for it