Good to have you here!
Didn't read all the responses, but as a new bow hunter, you want to spend 100x scouting than hunting.
Try to find feeding sign... a small grove of oaks with fresh droppings under them. Once you fins that, find a tree that will be downwind of them. Then climb a tree and shoot the deer
Well, it's not quite that easy... but after hunting that spot, hopefully you see a few deer and watch where they enter and leave the area from, you can make adjustments for future hunts. Sometime the future hunts are the next day, but sometimes the info you gain today will benefit you 5 years from now.
DONT get stuck on one spot... if you arent seeing deer in a couple hunts as a new hunter, find a new spot. Once you have experience, it's fine to spend a season in a small spot hunting one particular buck.