New Project: Aged Egg Nog


Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2009
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I've seen a number of friends try out a recipe for aged egg nog, which is supposed to take at least a month to complete. I'm posting Alton Brown's method, although Michael Ruhlman has a similar one out there. The eggs came from a buddy's backyard flock of chickens, and I used dairy products that were as minimally processed as possible. Hippie organic milk & cream because it tastes really good, fresh ground nutmeg, and some choicer brands of hooch. Now that it's all done and in the jar, it tastes a bit "hot" up front, but they say the aging process really tempers the flavor a bit after a few weeks. This will be ready just in time for Christmas.

Recipe notes: Use a big giant bowl if you want to mix this all up in one batch. None of my mixing bowls were large enough, so I had to combine & mix, then combine & mix, then whisk around in the glass jar once it was all done.

Total cost of the project was about $50 for the liquor, and $15 for the dairy. We'll know in a month how worth it all this is.

Gonna split this batch with the buddy that gave me the eggs. I got 3 dozen from him, so the next batch will be all mine. Gotta wait for payday again before momma TAFKAP will let me get away with another $50 of hooch.
Very interesting, never heard of least I don't think so

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Recipe sounds simple enough, I might give this a go. I'm attempting tamales this year so this should be a good treat to wrap it all up.

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This eggnog is idiot proof. If you can separate egg yolks, that's the hardest part. Everything else is just pouring and mixing.

Use a big bowl.
Just finished making a batch. Good fresh, can't imagine aged. It was a trick to keep the nutmeg mixed even while putting in Mason jars. Jack, Myers, and Hennessy, can't go wrong.

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