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new property trespasser question/opinion?

Hollar Hunter

Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2010
I lost a 70 acre gold mine this week due to being sold but obtained a new 200 acre property in Fairview that has no house there in exchange. Not sure of the deer this place holds i went out to setup a couple trophy rocks and cameras. Well as I suspected I would I found a nice new ladder stand setup about 75 yards from where i made my first lick after i made it. I know I'm the only one with permission there. So my first thought is I want to take it down but I don't want to start a war or have him take my cameras/licks even though they're cheap ones IR4's. So my thought is I'm going to wire a No trespassing/hunting/fishing metal sign to his ladder eye level.My question is should I put my phone# on the sign? What would you do or how would you go about it?
Since you don't own the land you don't have any legal rights to remove the stand. It is up to the landowner to decide if the stand is to be removed or not. Ask the landowner if he wants the stand removed.
If it were my property and it was posted I would not hesitate to take the stand down, I don't know if I would post my name or not. I'm sure who ever is hunting the property knows who the property belongs to anyway. If they wanted the stand back they would have to come to me and ask for the stand back face to face.
I would ask the owner if he knows of anyone that might have been hunting out there, if that doesn't lead anywhere then I would put a note on the stand asking them to please remove it. After that I would ask the landowner what he would like me to do, like bigtex said its the landowners call
easy45 said:
I would ask the owner if he knows of anyone that might have been hunting out there, if that doesn't lead anywhere then I would put a note on the stand asking them to please remove it. After that I would ask the landowner what he would like me to do, like bigtex said its the landowners call

I know for fact no one has had or has permission out there to hunt but me. I don't really want to bother the owner with this as he's let's just say a wealthy/busy man and I don't want to be an annoyance to him as he's been very generous in letting me hunt places of his as he owns many properties. I'd like to handle this myself appropriately but none the less this guys trespassing and he has to know that.
I know what my farmer would say.

He would say"Bob your the only one with permission to hunt there.You take care of it or i will find someone who will."
Try to find out who it is and go talk to them.

Maybe you can narrow it down by determining where they're entering the property; might even be a set of ATV tracks to provide a clue.
Boll Weevil said:
Try to find out who it is and go talk to them.

Maybe you can narrow it down by determining where they're entering the property; might even be a set of ATV tracks to provide a clue.

Yep I thought that to. One side is the highway the north and south side only has one house on each side but the back of the place backs up to about 5 different courts in a neighbor hood. I might try and go talk to the 2 neighbors and see what kind of reaction I get.
Hollar Hunter said:
I might try and go talk to the 2 neighbors and see what kind of reaction I get.
Bingo...and doesn't have to be confrontational at all. You're simply introducing yourself as someone with permission to hunt that property, and found a stand that might belong to one of them.

Good luck.
If you can get a signed lease agreement (even if the lease cost is only 1 dollar) you have the legal right to prosecute and not bother your landowner.

Other than that, there really ain't much that can be done to keep people off property you don't live on.

From what I have seen, civil discussion is useless, especially if they have been hunting there a while.
Kinda like, I always have and ain't got to quit now.

Lose lose situation as if you prosecute them, then every time you park your truck there you have to worry about how many tires / windows you will have to buy.

Hope it works out for you.
Hollar Hunter said:
easy45 said:
I would ask the owner if he knows of anyone that might have been hunting out there, if that doesn't lead anywhere then I would put a note on the stand asking them to please remove it. After that I would ask the landowner what he would like me to do, like bigtex said its the landowners call

I know for fact no one has had or has permission out there to hunt but me. I don't really want to bother the owner with this as he's let's just say a wealthy/busy man and I don't want to be an annoyance to him as he's been very generous in letting me hunt places of his as he owns many properties.

You might be surprised on the owners thoughts if you brought this to his attention. He would probably have more trust in you, that you are making him aware of things happening on his property. That may have him want to keep you around to look after the place.
I had a similier situation last season, found a climber. Didn't want to start a war with a neighber so I tied a piece of flagging tape to it. 3 days later it was gone, and my gear never was touched.
Hollar Hunter said:
easy45 said:
I would ask the owner if he knows of anyone that might have been hunting out there, if that doesn't lead anywhere then I would put a note on the stand asking them to please remove it. After that I would ask the landowner what he would like me to do, like bigtex said its the landowners call

I know for fact no one has had or has permission out there to hunt but me. I don't really want to bother the owner with this as he's let's just say a wealthy/busy man and I don't want to be an annoyance to him as he's been very generous in letting me hunt places of his as he owns many properties.

You might be surprised on the owners thoughts if you brought this to his attention. He would probably have more trust in you, that you are making him aware of things happening on his property. That may have him want to keep you around to look after the place.

That's how I got in good with him. The property I lost that he sold had a lot of people dumping trash mostly construction and it was up for sale so he didnt want it gated off or a bunch of no trespassing signs. So I called him and offered to clean it all up and any in the future in exchange for bow hunting permission. He thought that was a fair deal. Well unfournately he sold it less than a year later after being for sale fir 4 or 5 years and I think he felt bad for all the work I did and only got to hunt part of a season even though i did kill a whopper there. So he through me this place after the other sold. I honestly don't think he cares much if someone is trespassing as long as their not messing anything up as this place is for sale to. I just am trying to bother him as little as possible so we can hopefully continue this mutually beneficial aquiantenance but I know he has no problem with me running folks off that ain't suppose to be there. Just don't think he wants to get envolved....Kind of a catch 22 deal I reckon....
swami said:
I had a similier situation last season, found a climber. Didn't want to start a war with a neighber so I tied a piece of flagging tape to it. 3 days later it was gone, and my gear never was touched.

That's kinda why I was leaning towards wiring that sign to his stand and hope for the same reaction but on other properties I hunt it mostly turns out like Ruger said I've been here for blah blah blah and ain't nObody gonna stop me...
How about you buy some thick logging chain and a couple of real solid padlocks and lock the stand to the tree so they can't have their stand back. I would leave a note letting them know the cat's out of the bag and big brother is watching aka they aren't supposed to be there. Thank them nicely for the stand and let them know if they want the stand back to please contact local law enforcement to negotiate the return. Hopefully they'll not only stop trespassing but also leave you a nice, new ladder stand to hunt from!
I'm wondering if you can get a signed letter from the landowner giving you the right to run people off or take down stands at YOUR descretion..?

is this legal?

I have called a landowner on two different occasions and he appreciated it, but didn't seem to be too pleased that I bothered him....even though he said that i did the right thing...

I would call the landowner this one time and talk to him and see what he wants you to do and ask him what you should do in the future...maybe he will write you out some form of documentation giving you HIS permission to handle these sort of thing in the future....

good luck
Bottom Hunter said:
I'm wondering if you can get a signed letter from the landowner giving you the right to run people off or take down stands at YOUR descretion..?

is this legal?

I have called a landowner on two different occasions and he appreciated it, but didn't seem to be too pleased that I bothered him....even though he said that i did the right thing...

I would call the landowner this one time and talk to him and see what he wants you to do and ask him what you should do in the future...maybe he will write you out some form of documentation giving you HIS permission to handle these sort of thing in the future....

good luck

I have a signed letter of permission from a neighbor, stating that I have complete authority to act on their behalf regarding any issues that may arise on their property, including trespassers/poachers.
easy45 said:
I would ask the owner if he knows of anyone that might have been hunting out there, if that doesn't lead anywhere then I would put a note on the stand asking them to please remove it. After that I would ask the landowner what he would like me to do, like bigtex said its the landowners call

x2 Its better to give a fellow a chance to correct a situation that he may nor may not be aware of than to stir up a hornets nest.
swami said:
I had a similier situation last season, found a climber. Didn't want to start a war with a neighber so I tied a piece of flagging tape to it. 3 days later it was gone, and my gear never was touched.

Good idea.
I would post it near the stand and give the dude time to remove it. but for sure would ask the landowner about it......

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