New Remington 700 Ultimate Muzzleloader

I'm officially disappointed. If they weren't going to make it smokeless why not build it on a 783 action to lower the price? For a $1300 msrp, you can build a nice smokeless 700 for that.

I can see why they didn't go smokeless though. If someone were to confuse 200 gr. of H4198 with 200 gr. of 777 powder it would be catastrophic.
I watched the video of the hog killing and they didn't even show the kill?................crap of a video.
Rubberduck270 said:
I'm officially disappointed. If they weren't going to make it smokeless why not build it on a 783 action to lower the price? For a $1300 msrp, you can build a nice smokeless 700 for that.

I can see why they didn't go smokeless though. If someone were to confuse 200 gr. of H4198 with 200 gr. of 777 powder it would be catastrophic.

I'm like you. The only reason I could come up with was liability. It seems like a complete waste of time for Remington, knowing what so many folks are already building.
Overall I believe it will be a successful failure at best, it will sell to one that have to have the latest/new fangled trinket, but once they figure out what happens when I have to replace primers or purchase costly replacements? Just more parts to get the same ole dirty as a regular bp gun and harder to keep clean, despite their claims.
Yep, Remington dropped the ball on this one for sure, nice looking gun though.

All of the notable custom manufactures in the industry that are building some sort of long range muzzleloader are using this basic system of brass case ignition and multiple pellet ignition. Remington is just following the lead of the experts in the industry .

I suspect at this price point they are going to sell a truck load of them, Its a good 1/3 to 1/2 cheaper than any of the other comparable custom manufactured muzzleloaders out there.
Wobblyshot1 said:
What are they thinking? I don't believe the average Joe will give that kind of money for a muzzle loader.

especially when they can build a custom smokless from 500- 1300

i will never own a ml i have to clean well except for side lock for the sidelock hunts
junk.... 1300 hundred dollars.. not a smokeless guy but I would build one in a heart beat every day of the week before I waste money on that. just following the lead of cva Thompson center and traditions. not impressed but not surprised from Remington now days haven't been impressed by them for a long time.
I will bet that a bunch end up with smokeless barrels put on them. when folks get tired of cleaning ect, screw a McGowan barrel on & let er rip lol
mike243 said:
I will bet that a bunch end up with smokeless barrels put on them. when folks get tired of cleaning ect, screw a McGowan barrel on & let er rip lol
i doubt it

why would you take a 1000-1200 action and put a 600 dollar barrel on it when you could get an old rem 700 ml action for less than 3 bills or a rifle action for 450 and convert it or do an economy conversion with an h&r for less than 500 all day long

any one who buys this has way to much money or is ignorant of a smokless ml

and i am a remington guy
That should be a big seller for them, ya right. Next door in MS you can't give MLs away. A couple of more states are considering "gun with what you brung". Not a fan. For that kind of dough I'll purchase another "hand cannon".

1) Blackhorn 209 is clearly the most superior BP substitute on the market. Who cares to shoot 4 pellets of 777 or Pyro?

2) Price tag...seriously? My current CVA that was $350 new will kill them just as dead without the enormous recoil of 4 pellets.

3) The gun weighs 9 lbs! That's a full two pounds more than my current smoke pole.

No Thanks on this one
UTGrad said:

1) Blackhorn 209 is clearly the most superior BP substitute on the market. Who cares to shoot 4 pellets of 777 or Pyro?

2) Price tag...seriously? My current CVA that was $350 new will kill them just as dead without the enormous recoil of 4 pellets.

3) The gun weighs 9 lbs! That's a full two pounds more than my current smoke pole.

No Thanks on this one
My sentiments exactly!!!