New Remington 700 Ultimate Muzzleloader

Rubberduck270 said:
At least its not circumventing the intentions of a "Muzzleloader" as much.
How do you figure smokeless is doing that?

considering you are loading through the muzzle and not the breech
smokeless is not circumventing anything

and if it concerns an individual so much they ought use black powder instead of BH209

people still ride down the road in a horse drawn buggy i like my f-150

granted i still kill one every once in a while with my side-lock percussion
I didn't mean to get anyone's panties in a wad! I was just taking issue with the statement that "compared to smokeless powder, BH209 is a joke. "
The difference is that Blackhorn 209 can be measured in an "organic black powder powder measure." That's what makes it and T7 "black powder replacements." Neither one has anything to do with black powder chemically or in energy content.
Blackhorn209 is nitro based with other organic and mineral compounds in the mix too. Thats why it cleans up with products likes Hoppes.

Look up Nitrate Ester which is the main ingredient listed in the MSDS

Its not smokeless but its closer in composition to smokeless than any sub.