New "Squeak" turkey call...

You talking about the squealing hen call from H.S. Strutt?

I picked one up the other day after the vous with my poker game winnings..... we will try it out if we get the chance.
Grizzly Johnson said:
You talking about the squealing hen call from H.S. Strutt?

I picked one up the other day after the vous with my poker game winnings..... we will try it out if we get the chance.

Yes, that is what I am talking about... have you made a sound with it yet? What does it sound like?
Learn to cluck, 3/5 note yelp, and excited cutt on a diaphram and you can kill every single turkey that gobbles.

Call mfgs are in the business of making money, and the best way to make a bunch of quick money is to launch a new product which is the latest and greatest gadget. Add a little spotty proof it works, and the success can be that much greater.

Turkey hunting isn't rocket science when it comes to calling in birds, as far as a secret weapon that every turkey will run to like rats to the pied piper.

Keep it simple, learn to cluck, cutt, and yelp, to the point that you sound as good as a live hen, and I promise you won't need every plastic gimmick that hits the market.
I've never heard that sound come from a hen turkey before and I've actually seen quite a few been bred. I have, on the other hand, had a few old girlfriends "squeak" upon mounting. :D
warrent423 said:
I've never heard that sound come from a hen turkey before and I've actually seen quite a few been bred. I have, on the other hand, had a few old girlfriends "squeak" upon mounting. :D

good one
Lawrence said:
Look out for coyotes
if you buy one

I had a similar thought when I first saw it on TV.

watch for them and bobcats anyway. I had a bobcat stalk one of my decoys at LBL one year.
Years ago, Mike McClemore and I were talking about turkey hunting, and he brought up the squeelin hen and what it meant as far as vocabulary. I didn't see the HS video and don't know how Eddie's call sounds, but I have seen many turkeys get fired up and come a runnin to the squeal.
warrent423 said:
I've never heard that sound come from a hen turkey before and I've actually seen quite a few been bred. I have, on the other hand, had a few old girlfriends "squeak" upon mounting. :D

Ditto- on both accounts :)

Not saying hens don't make that sound, maybe I'm just a little deaf... but I've seen 40 or 50 breedings over the years and never once heard one 'squeal'
I bought one just to have another tool in my bag to hopefully get an old gobbler fired up to where I can get a shot at him. I'll let you know what happens.....