NFL & protests boycotts etc.


Well-Known Member
2-Step Enabled
Nov 19, 1999
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I talked to a pretty smart guy the other day and the Nike / kneeler deal came up.
He gave me some insight as to why Nike did what they did. I chalked it up to grabbing the spotlight for their 10 minutes in the spotlight but it actually goes MUCH deeper than that and they are basically carving out their market share for the next 20 years.

I have never been a huge NFL fan. I have always considered the Green Bay Packers my team and that is who I always pulled for above everyone.
Being a Packers fan ( and red sox fan ) this meant you had to have a back up team to root for because if you didn't the entire season would be pointless. Yes they have been my favorite team since LONG before they were good in recent history, unlike most of their "fans" now days.

Anyway, that meant I also pulled for, depending on the year, the Steelers (which meant I had to hate the cowboys) or the Raiders or the Oilers and even at times the Redskins.

When Manning played for the Broncos I pulled for them, when he played for the Colts I pulled for them.

In no case over my entire lifetime did any of the games I watched, or their outcome, have a direct impact on my life or what I did the next day or the next hour for that matter.
At the end of the game I would go on about my life, which was no better or no worse due to the outcome.
In all those years the most controversial things I saw was a player for the Raiders threw a ball into the stands after he scored and the owner, or the league, fined him $50.00 and he said he would keep doing it.
Another owner fined a player for wearing his hair too long. I don't remember who it was now.

Now days, seemingly EVERY day, someone is protesting something and the media and the public eats it up like dogs on a stewer full of gravy.
I am sick of it all to be honest with you.

The nfl has never made a penny off of me due to the fact I have only owned one piece of merchandise and that is a Green Bay Packers hat that was a gift to me from Chad Clifton. Oh and I also have a ticket stub signed by Brett Farve from the Packers / Bears game the night they retired his jersey.

In recent years I watch the Packers play when they are on tv and I pull for them.
I also actually watch the Patriots because even though I grew up hating them, just like Alabama, they are a well coached football team and they are exciting to watch and THAT is why I watch what football I watch, not for any political or other reasons.
The games I refuse to watch, pretty much all the rest of them, is in fact due to their pushing their agenda on me. Good thing is, I am an adult and I have the ability to change to some 400 other stations where nothing is on.
All else fails I will watch a movie or go outside and do something that needs to be done or I want to do.

Walmart affected me personally with their business practices and guess what, they are NOT the only store in the country so I can make a choice that affects my life in a positive manner. I can shop elsewhere. No biggie either way for me. Now I get home from shopping and I didn't nearly go to jail and I am not pissed off the rest of the day.
Same thing with watching something on tv. I watch the packers and if they lose I will be like, crap, then move on. If they win I will be like yay and move on.

Someone posted in the thread about Tiger Woods supporting the kneeler. I didn't know that and honestly I don't care.
Tiger didn't take a knee on the 18th green and raise his fist or pull his wanker out and shake it at the camera or anything. He played golf and played it very well. That is why I watch golf.

I guess as I get older I don't figure I have unlimited time anymore and I need to spend what I have wisely and that is by doing things I enjoy.
If the packers or Aaron Rogers do something that make it not enjoyable any more, guess what, I will move on and do something that makes me happy, no better or no worse for wear.

It really is amazing how happy a person can be when they figure out they are an adult and can make their own choices and very VERY few people or things that I have ever seen on tv have actually affected me directly by anything they did or said.

Not real sure I know why I even posted all this nonsense but I have decided not to let anyone dictate how I buy or how I spend my time.
Walmart or the nfl won't ever miss my money but I know I don't spend very much time giving them any so that makes ME feel better and in the long run that is what I am after.
Tiger Woods won't ever know I watched him on tv and he will never know it if I decided not to, but I will.

I don't watch tv or shop anywhere to set my moral compass.
My moral compass DOES, however, dictate many things I do or don't do in life.

Ok that is all and if you have read all this, you must be really bored. :D

Go Pack!!
Roll Tide
Walmart, kiss my foot.

Did you see Clay Matthews roughing the passer :D ?

PalsPal":2ry28kzt said:
Did you see Clay Matthews roughing the passer :D ?


Saw it on the highlights. The Fox station I get is our of Missouri and they showed the stinking Chiefs. :bash:
Absolutely ridiculous for sure.
I saw one even worse though.
Don't remember what team it was but the defensive player got to the quarterback just as he released the ball. He stuck his hand out and hit the quarterback with the palm of his hand. Of course the QB flopped and rolled and sure enough the got a roughing the passer call. Defensive player literally just touched him and never left his feet, or got away from the obvious hold on the offensive lineman's hold. I was like no way!!

I feel the same way, Ruger. I used to watch NFL regularly. Like, not make any plans so I could see the Titans game. Or whatever game I wanted to watch. I got to where I liked several different teams, including the Patriots, because they were a well owned team. I liked the Packers and the Steelers. I played fantasy football for several years, and kept up with all the stats, players, injury reports, etc.

I'll admit, the Kaepernick stunt turned me off. Not to mention I also just got tired of spending EVERY Sunday glued to the tv just to watch games that had no bearing on me. I know some guys that took their team's loss hard, like they would be severely disappointed, almost to a depression. It never affected me that way, it wasn't like the team asked my input on what plays to run. I knew a few guys that would get bent out of shape if their fantasy football team lost. At some point, I figured I had other things I to do with my Sundays (like going hunting, fishing, camping, hanging with the family, etc.) and just stopped paying attention to all of it. I felt better doing it.

These days, I might watch a game if I happen to be somewhere it is shown on tv. Otherwise, I don't plan my day around it. But I might do it for the bigger college games, especially the SEC games. I did it for the Vols/Gators game this past Saturday. Specifically requested off work, told the gf I wanted to watch the game. And yes, I rooted for the Vols, despite living in FL! :D
gator-n-buck":1sq9b16t said:
I grew up a Fins fan but pretty much stopped watching the NFL once free agency ruined the league and it became fantasy football.

Pretty good desctiption of it right there.
I have watched sports on tv most of my life. I have seen a lot, some good and some not so good. I was watching the night Emile Griffit beat Benny "the Kid " Parret in boxing so bad he died later that night. That was sobering because I knew the refree should have stopped it. I saw Johnny Unitas play in his high-topped cleats, Big Daddy Lipsomb who went straight from high school to pro ball, saw Joe Namath, Jim Brown, Jim Taylor, Y.A. Tittle and hundreds more. I watched the NFL before the protests and spoiled athletes. I watched pro Basketball, watched pro golf,Jack Nickloas, Arnold Palmer, and Gary Player before Tiger was even heard of. It just seems like they are all rich spoiled athletes now. I quit watching most sports on Tv because I got tired of all the crap. I pick and choose now. By the way Ruger, I used to pull for the Packers all time. I still like the Olympics, a good hard fought college football game ( but still get tired of all the hotdogging) the NCAA college basketball tournament and some hunting shows. I can honestly say I don't go to bed mad or upset over any of it. I support this country and the American flag too. As Ruger would say, carry on.