I don't think TWRA can win in this situation with anyone. They will never please all involved with whatever they decide. I thought some of the counties mentioned Giles, Lincoln, Wayne ,have been put in what's called the MAV unit and have a two week later starting date, 2 bird limit and a study to see why turkeys declined in those areas and the study will see if the whole state will benefit from these changes? I believe others areas of the state also have a shorter season and lower limit. That seems pro active to me in specific targeted areas of need to see if the parameters in place make a difference. Giles is probably in your top 5 to 10 out of 95 counties in the state in harvest and that was with a shorter season and lower limits, could it be on an upswing( I hope so)? I say that not to make light of anything that has happened in those counties as I know at one point they were better than now but some areas of the state are actually on the rise with turkey population, that is what is so strange to me. So for every call TWRA gets wanting to go with a two week later season and a 2 bird limit they will get other calls mad about the limit going from 4 to 3. I have no problem with whatever they set the limit and season dates ,as long as they base it off of research, study and data. TN is leading the way with research on turkey right now with the study they are doing. TWRA cut the limit to 3 for the whole state, cut the killing of hens , took away bonus birds and made season dates later with lower limits for certain counties in need to study the effects ,but have been slow to react? Go to Alabama hunter website and read the gentleman on here from Alabama is not alone at all. You will not find any complaints about no decoys, they were illegal forever in Alabama. What you will find are a ton of guys ready to explode over moving season dates without proper evidence that it will benefit the turkey population. TN could lead the way and provide evidence one way or the other with this study for other states to make decisions that are justified, show the evidence in other words. TN could set limits on how many non residents can come the first two weeks on public land, simply make them apply and be drawn for a public land permit . Other states have done that due to all the covid hunters to help with the issue . I have not heard anything but positive things about our turkey coordinator , so I will just wait on the results and know TWRA has already put things in place for the areas in the MAV unit that could make a huge difference for all of us in the future when the study ends . I believe the study is about to conclude( this year, next)? Glad to see the THP boys on board! They have not done anything at all to promote or increase pressure on public hunting lands , LOL. I cannot believe our state agency paid these guys , makes the cost of my lifetime license hurt even more! Again it's a tough balancing act for TWRA trying to please a whole state that have different views on what needs to be done. I am sure I am in the minority here with this but just a thought of what the state agency is dealing with and mention the the things that have been done by TWRA.