Not looking too good


Well-Known Member
2-Step Enabled
Aug 19, 2015
Reaction score
Hickman county
I've listened for roost gobbling most mornings in a few different spots and have only heard one bird. So far it's worse than 2018😭. I had seen more birds this past winter than the last three so I had hoped for a better season.
I saw 50 or so hens and multiple gobblers 3 weeks ago. Listened to 2 gobblers last Monday morning. Keeping my fingers crossed for good results Sat.
I heard 3 two weeks ago. Nothing this past weekend :rolleyes:. I'll be the only one hunting on 622 acres opening morning and I'm not hyped up. The turkeys have definitely dwindled.
OP - hopefully things take a turn for the the better. Some of you know they are there, they are just being tight lipped. I'll take that over not having them at all. They'll eventually get cranked up and become more vocal, if they live to that day comes. Good luck everyone. Headed out to listen now.
OP - hopefully things take a turn for the the better. Some of you know they are there, they are just being tight lipped. I'll take that over not having them at all. They'll eventually get cranked up and become more vocal, if they live to that day comes. Good luck everyone. Headed out to listen now.
I'm hoping the same thing, that they are just quiet. Greenup sure seems behind what I've seen before, but when I first moved to Tennessee I'd start hearing gobbling in early March.
They'll eventually get cranked up and become more vocal, if they live to that day comes. Headed out to listen now.
I agree.

I'm also about to head out for only my 2nd listen of the year. I'm wanting to check a spot that has been good in the past for a Sunday morning hunt.
Listened this morning and as expected they're still in big packs. Gonna have to fight the hens for several more days.
I was pretty much shut out this morning, may have heard one right at 6AM 3/4 mile north of me. Another buddy in SW TN heard one bird gobble 4-5x at 6AM, and another buddy in Hickman county was shut out as well, not a peep. Hopefully tomorrow will be bring a change of pace. I did see 2 strutters with 13 hens yesterday in SW TN. Fortunately for them, they are in MAV Unit that does not open until April 17, and the flock was very close to a TWRA Warden's residence. Hopefully the 13 hens will be bred and initiating nests by April 17.
I'm hoping the same thing, that they are just quiet. Greenup sure seems behind what I've seen before, but when I first moved to Tennessee I'd start hearing gobbling in early March.
Here in extreme west TN it looks like mid April in the woods already. Everything is budded out and leafed out. Spring has sprung here.
I listened Tuesday morning in 3 spots. First spot sounded like we were back in the mid 2000s. Very encouraging! Second spot heard 3-4. Third spot was a goose egg, even though it was the spot I've seen the birds from the road quite a bit lately. Went back to all three spots this morning and only heard one single gobble...and he was in spot number 3. Can't decide if it was the cold or the insanely high barometric pressure that killed the roost gobbling.
I went out last Saturday to listen. Thunderstorms were moving south of our area. Sky was clear but there was distant thunder. While it was pitch dark the turkeys were gobbling like crazy and there were gobblers everywhere. I could hear 15+ different gobblers.

Tuesday morning there was a good bit of gobbling but nothing like Saturday. The field I was watching had gobblers fly down who never made a sound on the roost.

I went yesterday morning and heard zero gobbles. One would think there were no turkeys anywhere in the area.

Some mornings they gobble, some they don't. If we knew why then we could make a lot of money. Bottom line, try not to get too discouraged because of a lack of gobbling. Some mornings they are just quiet.
I'm going in blind tomorrow morning, my expectations are equally sightless.

Im personally hoping the turks are not vocal in my area first thing in the am, that should discourage those with less patience than I, then I'm hoping for a pleasant surprise of mid morning activity.

However, I need them active first thing Sunday...Easter egg hunting and Church are starting early.
It's so bad in my area that the big leases are empty of hunters...none even showed up for opening weekend on two of the biggest ones. One has about 400 acres, one over 1000 acres and the. One that has several thousand had a few hunters but no where near the past. Maybe they are all waiting for the dominant birds to breed the hens before they hunt...

I have heard one roost gobble so far in the last two weeks. I'm off work this week so I'll get out to listen even more but I won't be shooting anything if this keeps up.
Maybe they are all waiting for the dominant birds to breed the hens before they hunt...
That's being very optimistic. I suspect it is more than likely due to it being Easter weekend. For example, I was the only one on our place this weekend. The whole bunch of guys (8-10 of them are all rolling in this coming weekend) due to the holiday.
I have heard one roost gobble so far in the last two weeks. I'm off work this week so I'll get out to listen even more but I won't be shooting anything if this keeps up.
I have had the same thoughts the last two years (this being the 3rd season) while hunting. I keep asking myself if I even want to shoot a tom due to the lack of population
I found some on my scouting trip weekend before juvi. I bet the 25 degree temps Saturday will have them fired up... :rolleyes:
I know the good lord was setting me straight for being negative on this one. I heard more gobbles on Saturday than I knew what to do with. They gobbled until 9:30 or so. Sunday lots of roost gobbling but I was gone by 7:30. there was still some gobbling going on, but not as much as Saturday.
Birds are spotty again it seems. Few pockets with plenty, but may be 5 or 6 miles before the next big pocket. After the big flocks break up they should disperse to nest assuming suitable habitat (nesting cover, water) if most of the toms in the big flock haven't already been killed.

Been watching the huge flock down the road. 3 toms and 8 hens broke off and made it to the property next to mine this morning. Sure hope they drift onto my place next couple days.