Yeah you could be right about them not being there because of Easter. Hasn't stopped them bThat's being very optimistic. I suspect it is more than likely due to it being Easter weekend. For example, I was the only one on our place this weekend. The whole bunch of guys (8-10 of them are all rolling in this coming weekend) due to the holiday.
I have had the same thoughts the last two years (this being the 3rd season) while hunting. I keep asking myself if I even want to shoot a tom due to the lack of population
I'm hopeful this is the case. The winter flocks I watched this winter had more birds than the past 3 years so I was looking for a better year this year.Birds are spotty again it seems. Few pockets with plenty, but may be 5 or 6 miles before the next big pocket. After the big flocks break up they should disperse to nest assuming suitable habitat (nesting cover, water) if most of the toms in the big flock haven't already been killed.
Been watching the huge flock down the road. 3 toms and 8 hens broke off and made it to the property next to mine this morning. Sure hope they drift onto my place next couple days.