Nugent on draw weight - do you agree?

I shoot 76 on an Invasion CPX with proper straight back controlled pull. I push arrows at 330 fps. All that info in for the opportunity to say this....if I had set my unit up at 60 and could push close to that speed I would. I am not at the point in my life YET that the weight hinders me on draw after a long sit in the stand. The second it does or raises the question if Mr. Big walks by will I be able to make the draw. I will give up my ego and go to a lower weight.
If you hit the spot at 45 lbs there is no doubt you can kill a deer. The rest of anything is just for show(sometimes to ones own demise).
eweisner said:
That is the lowest I've heard, and good to know. My little girl and wife want in on this deal. My daughter wants to hunt with the bow but I've not read about anything less than 48lbs. What bow does she shoot?

She shoots a Strother Hope. Same bow I'm shooting except hers has 40# Max limbs on it and is different camo than mine.
Well I figured as much but I didn't know if there was anything else needing to be changed to drop to 50-60 lb limbs.

I like the holding weight at 65 lbs. If I drop to 50-60 lb limbs in the future I'd like to explore 65% let off mods. I've backed my bows off to 60 lbs before. Although the draw was very smooth and easy at 60 lbs, the holding weight was light and my pin float was larger. I shoot a hinge 97% of the time and like having some weight at the wall.
I like a little more holding weight too . Back around 20 years ago when I shot with fingers , I used to shoot better with 50% let off . I used to get a cleaner , crisper release , and engage my back muscles better .
I am going into my 5th season shooting a PSE x-force at 60#. I love it. Comfortable to shoot, fast and quiet. I'm 28 and 6'2" 230plus (sometimes plus plus) #. I've lifted and played sports all my life. In fact when I was working at BPS archery in college I drew a 90# bow left handed.

Just not needed to hunt with, and having played baseball I try and save my shoulders as much as possible.
bassinbrian said:
OK, so do you think a bow should be set 60+ for mechanical heads and lower weights for fixed?

It depends on more factors than just draw weight. How big of a cut mechanical? How heavy is your arrow? As a generalization without many specifics a bow pulling 60 lbs + will be able to shoot mechanicals but shot placement is extremely important regardless of what broadhead you use or what poundage you are pulling. Fixed blades work across the spectrum.