NWTF who's going

Got a email today saying the taxidermy competition is down by 90% of the participants…I have no clue why but that's an insane drop in people participating in that competition.
It will be curious if that's a reflection of the convention or something else.
Well had to cancel plans for UNICOI due to weather. Didn't want to get stick coming back across the mountains then all the way back here to Clarksville. But the offer is still on the table. I am going to the NWTF Saturday. Will get there first thing in the morning. Already made a list of the vendors I am going to see and purchase from. The rest of the day I spend looking at the eye candy lol.

But if any of you may be there Saturday and you would like to meet up and have a quick beer and introduce ourselves just let me know. I have already met REN. He sold me a turkey vest a few years back and accidentally left a turkey call in it for me lol. Took a little bit but I did return it to him.
I spent the weekend backpacking in the Smokies. We got 15" where we were at and white out conditions with 65mph wind gust. The trip home yesterday was a slow go. You probably made a wise decision.
I spent the weekend backpacking in the Smokies. We got 15" where we were at and white out conditions with 65mph wind gust. The trip home yesterday was a slow go. You probably made a wise decision.
Yeah and then I would have had to drive to Clarksville and Nashville got a good bit of snow and we had a ton of ice here in Clarksville.
I spent the weekend backpacking in the Smokies. We got 15" where we were at and white out conditions with 65mph wind gust. The trip home yesterday was a slow go. You probably made a wise decision.
We were at Unicoi. No issues by leaving Saturday. Worth going once.
I don't understand. Turkey hunting is NOT a social experience. It's as close to a one vs one religious experience you can get in the woods. All the other game I've chased is as much about the social experience as the hunt itself, but not turkey hunting.

I've had some great times with others turkey hunting and trying to teach them the ropes, but all paled in comparison to me hunting a bird solo.... just me vs him.
I don't understand. Turkey hunting is NOT a social experience. It's as close to a one vs one religious experience you can get in the woods. All the other game I've chased is as much about the social experience as the hunt itself, but not turkey hunting.

I've had some great times with others turkey hunting and trying to teach them the ropes, but all paled in comparison to me hunting a bird solo.... just me vs him.
That's your opinion. It is a social experience. More social than deer hunting.
That's your opinion. It is a social experience. More social than deer hunting.
Sure it's my opinion. Many make think turkey hunting just like duck or dove or pheasant hunting, they are all birds after all.

Others may share my opinion and not care less about mass socializing turkey hunting... or don't want it to become mass socialized like duck, dove, or pheasant. But again, just my opinion.
Sure it's my opinion. Many make think turkey hunting just like duck or dove or pheasant hunting, they are all birds after all.

Others may share my opinion and not care less about mass socializing turkey hunting... or don't want it to become mass socialized like duck, dove, or pheasant. But again, just my opinion.
Honestly this is just me but I enjoy turkey hunting with a partner. One guy calling and one guy shooting unless you can double up of course. But there are definite advantages to having 2 people either way. And it is nice to have an extra set of ears (especially since my hearing is so bad and I sometimes get confused on the direction a gobble came from lol). But 75% I am alone, it is just hard to find times that work out. My situation with deer hunting it is far less social. Me and a buddy may hunt at the same time but might be a mile apart since I hunt public land.
Sure it's my opinion. Many make think turkey hunting just like duck or dove or pheasant hunting, they are all birds after all.

Others may share my opinion and not care less about mass socializing turkey hunting... or don't want it to become mass socialized like duck, dove, or pheasant. But again, just my opinion.
2's a crowd….sometimes 1 is too many…LOL
I went about 10 years ago..early Sat morning. ASSES Packed , you were shoulder to shoulder and made a small shuffle to move . When to see my buddy from Tom Glaskins calls, he did not show up. Was at the end of the isles from the door and said to my self,
"IF I CAN GET TO THE EXIT, I WILL NEVER COME HERE AGAIN " And I haven't. To each his own.