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October lull?

Oh Yes I agree with some days with more daytime activity vs nocturnal. I just find it funny when fare weather hunters makes comments concerning weather. Odds of seeing one or possibly harvesting a deer is 100% greater when actively hunting in the woods vs sitting on the coach.
A little of topic from the opening thread.
While technically you are correct. But you can do way more harm then good hunting days you really shouldn't be. Of course people kill deer all the times in different weather. But pay attention to this site or social media or trail cameras or just time in the stand and you can correlate it to weather 100 percent of the time. A blind squirrel finds and acorn every now and then. Ask anyone that does it consistently and you will see someone playing the weather.

Now with all that said in the rut you got to be in a stand but hunt smart.
While technically you are correct. But you can do way more harm then good hunting days you really shouldn't be. Of course people kill deer all the times in different weather. But pay attention to this site or social media or trail cameras or just time in the stand and you can correlate it to weather 100 percent of the time. A blind squirrel finds and acorn every now and then. Ask anyone that does it consistently and you will see someone playing the weather.

Now with all that said in the rut you got to be in a stand but hunt smart.
I believe my comments in this thread are being taken way too serious or at least in the sense I meant it anyways.
There are multiple agenda's one could take planning their hunts. Some are trophy hunting only, some are meat hunting only and then I think some just like bring out there without the real desire to harvest anything but rather enjoying the solitude.
Oh Yes I agree with some days with more daytime activity vs nocturnal. I just find it funny when fare weather hunters makes comments concerning weather. Odds of seeing one or possibly harvesting a deer is 100% greater when actively hunting in the woods vs sitting on the coach.
A little of topic from the opening thread.
I agree 100% with that. Because of work, i can't hunt every day, but for 20 years, i was in a situation I could, and I pretty much hunted most every day in October. Odds are way better in the woods than at the house.
It's heating up quickly. I had 3 mature bucks daylight in the last 24 hours on scrapes. I also laid eyes on a big ones crossing out of a corn field and back up the bluff to bedding yesterday morning on my way back from hunting another farm. I hadn't had any pics of this deer yet but I saw a large frame with plenty of tines so I made a plan to target him yesterday evening since the wind was good for that spot. I took the ole recurve and passed 5 does at 6pm coming off the bedding on top of the bluff. As dark approached I heard him make his way off the bluff. At 6:28 I finally laid eyes on him at 45 yards. Big dark horned mature buck with a solid 10 point frame. He did what most big deer do and stayed just outside my 20 yard comfort zone with my recurve. As soon as he felt it was sufficiently dark, which it was, he walked broadside at 15 yards through my shooting lane…..the game is on fellas!
Mature bucks working scrapes in daylight today. I think that's more a function of the colder than normal temps.

Lots of sparring on camera past 3 days.
Don't know if you see it Mega, but on my place we see a surge of scraping and chasing every year centered around Oct. 16. I have no idea exactly why, but suspect it is some sort of false rut. This period does correspond with exactly one month before traditional peak chasing.
Don't know if you see it Mega, but on my place we see a surge of scraping and chasing every year centered around Oct. 16. I have no idea exactly why, but suspect it is some sort of false rut. This period does correspond with exactly one month before traditional peak chasing.
I do see a huge uptick in scraping mid October, but usually it's nocturnal only by the mature bucks. I think to get the mature bucks working scrapes in daylight, it takes that high desire to scrape mid Oct, PLUS the first real cold snap.

Catching mature bucks on scrapes in Oct isn't unusual. Catching mature bucks working scrapes in daylight IS the way i set my cameras (I choose scrapes on the edges of doe concentrations... usually food plots).

If i were to move cameras to scrapes closer to major buck bedding areas, I'm sure i would get more daylight pics.than I currently do... but run the risk of letting the mature bucks know they are being hunted.

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