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Oh great and wise hunters......

Well knowlegable deer slayers, from this short post I have learned much.
1) Start keeping records of everyday in the stand and conditions that accompany.
2) Dont feel bad to sleep in on a full moon, tyr to hunt 10 to dark.
3)Investigatee barometric pressure theory......................................speaking of pressure I have always had a weird assumption. Whn I walk past my uncles house to hunt, if his chimney smoke is falling to the ground, I assume there is high pressure and invision my scent doing the same from my stand to the deer. While with low pressure, the smoke is goin up and I thiink the deer have a better chance of moving. Thoughts?
Lots of atmospheric conditions go into rising or falling smoke, but generally smoke rises under high pressure and falls under low pressure. Under high pressure, the air is more dense than the smoke, hence the smoke rises. Under low pressure, the air is thinner and usually has more moisture in it (which makes it less dense). In that circumstance, the smoke is more dense than the air and it descends.

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