Ok last picture

Hey I take them off as soon as I get in the boat !
You need to come down and we will whack them and send you home with a couple hundred fillets.
Sounds like a plan. I can could take you around tims and show you how to not catch anything lol. I actually caught 2 bluegill, 0 crappies and a bunch of largemouth this morning on normandy. Does livescope help with bluegill- I just ordered Active Target 2 , but mainly for crappie
Sounds like a plan. I can could take you around tims and show you how to not catch anything lol. I actually caught 2 bluegill, 0 crappies and a bunch of largemouth this morning on normandy. Does livescope help with bluegill- I just ordered Active Target 2 , but mainly for crappie
With the garmin in perspective mode its a great way to stay on beds.
Sounds like a plan. I can could take you around tims and show you how to not catch anything lol. I actually caught 2 bluegill, 0 crappies and a bunch of largemouth this morning on normandy. Does livescope help with bluegill- I just ordered Active Target 2 , but mainly for crappie
I don't use it for bream. I prefer my helix in side imaging to find beds.
They will look like a flattened out golf ball.
Sounds like a plan. I can could take you around tims and show you how to not catch anything lol. I actually caught 2 bluegill, 0 crappies and a bunch of largemouth this morning on normandy. Does livescope help with bluegill- I just ordered Active Target 2 , but mainly for crappie
What are you catching bass with?
🤣 I spoke too soon when I sent you and @gasman a text last night saying I was going crappie fishing all night. The only thing we ALMOST caught was being fried by lightning and about landed the xpress in the backseat of the Jeep. I swear I think I hit the boat trailer almost full tilt to get off the lake when the storm showed up early.
I just made plans to go there (Huntingdon).
Plan is to load up on undersized "ditch pickles".
My buddy doesn't keep/eat fish so I hope to get his limit.
Love me some LM bass!!
Awesome man, good luck !!
Shoot me a pm with when you are going to be there, maybe we can get you a couple more limits as well.