Food Plots Old field new plot


Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2016
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I've got two new plots I want to start in old fields. The fields are tops with a 5.9ph. They are mowed once a year in the fall and have lots of woody plants.. The kind of field that you break an ankle walking in. The 2 fields are about 7 acres total and soil test recommends 2500# per acre for clover and 1750# for fall plots.

I have been planting about 1.5 acres at a time in the fall spraying and throwing oats/wheat/clover with moderate success.. Its hard access but I was planning on taking a tractor up there soon and discing, lime and spraying. I would like to get rid of the woody mess and establish clover and fill in fall plots as needed. Any advice is appreciated.
I would seriously consider not disking! Spray, sow, mow yes but establishing spring planted clover can be tough. Leaving standing matter or mowing it down on your seed will help preserve moisture, keep the soil cool and reduce weeds and competing plants.
I would also consider pelletized lime for a faster response and less tonnage per acre.
I would also include tillage radishes and turnips to my fall planting or clover and wheat.
I would seriously consider not disking! Spray, sow, mow yes but establishing spring planted clover can be tough. Leaving standing matter or mowing it down on your seed will help preserve moisture, keep the soil cool and reduce weeds and competing plants.
I would also consider pelletized lime for a faster response and less tonnage per acre.
I would also include tillage radishes and turnips to my fall planting or clover and wheat.
Agree on everything here. Yes - establishing clover in fall is best. I'd lime and fertilize now, then spray, sow, then mow for spring (and use same method for fall planting). Maybe a mix of heavy buckwheat and some sorghum this spring. For the fall - yes, wheat, oats, clovers (say 2-3 different varieties), and also some radishes and turnips to help grow deeper and break up the soil. You can then frost seed clover into the clover plot next spring.

As far as the spray, as woody as it is, for spring i'd use gly for sure. Maybe some Triclopyr depending on timing of spraying and sowing (can't remember if there is residual on triclopyr). We now only use that on TSI. Best of luck and keep us updated

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