

Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2012
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maury county tn
I know its been discussed quite a bit through the years. And I have my own theory's on it some what. But I have a few spots where I am a little torn on what to do. I normally don't care that much for hinge cutting prefer hns or just completely cutting the trees down. But I have a few spots where I like to try hinge cutting. In the past I didn't seem to perform the way I wanted to. So what do yal think?

It's mainly 5 to 10 inch trees. One spot I can get a tractor or skid steer in the other I can't.

Open to it all.
I personally always hns or cut flush, then spray cambium. I've got a lot of that to do. But if you have the area to experiment, might try it. You'll learn something regardless one way or another. But follow up with us either way. I typically have seen hinge-cut trees resprout and get tall quick and your back to shaded out understory again

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