Now there are reports surfacing that Rose Bowl officials were responsible for FSU players leaving the field. Apparently there was very little TV time remaining for the awards presentation and they asked FSU to clear the field immediately.
This raises the question(s) do the players (FSU) comply with the officials or not? If they didn't they would have risked being ridiculed for not complying with the authorities. Or do they take that risk (as some did) and stay on the field? I''ll let you debate that matter as I have no opinion what so ever on that aspect of the issue. However, I can empathize with the players being between a rock and a hard spot. Damn if they do damn if they don't.
I do feel Mr Herbstreit had no idea that the Rose Bowl officials had orchestrated FSU immediate departure from the field because he did not mention it. If the reports that the Rose Bowl officials did in fact tell FSU to leave the field prove to be true, I doubt Mr Herbstreit will recant his comments. He has been wrong before (all year) and conveniently ignored correcting himself. His buddy's in the media sure are not going to issue a correction either.
ESPN thinks it owns college football and can do no wrong. Not for me.