Other animals called in while turkey hunting.

Bobcat in SC, Coyotes everywhere, one lil red fox curled up against me in TN, skunks (multiple times)TN, and two bear that evidently figured out where eggs came from and I had to repeatedly run them off my decoys in TN. Oh, and an eagle took a close look at my Primos call a while back.

I was hunting in Ma. Years ago . Leaned out from the tree to pick up my call and a hawk flew down and raked the back of my neck up over the top of my head . Thankfully i had a full head covering on . I was bloody but it could have been much worse . You never know .
I think a self defense issue is reasonable here.
Guarantee you that Mr Billy would have taken care of it if it hadn't ran off. He killed a gator one time that had bitten one of his grandsons while swimming. Who knows if he got the right one or not, but when Game & Fish came to his house to charge him they sure didn't stay long!
Very interesting old man (90s now) that grew up "popping" wild cows out of the swamps down there. When they sold the farm & moved to town a few years ago, he still had some of the old Spanish stock of short legged type of horses bred to chase cows in swamps.
I used to turkey hunt in a rather large pature and there was a jack and jenny mule runnin loose. They would come hunt me down and go squish my decoys with their noses. They would just look over at me and give me head nod and then walk off . Kind of comical i reckon