Papas Guns

Great story glad you could make him happy. My papaw passed away in 1991. And my grandma about 8 years ago. I miss them both a great deal. And as crazy as it sounds for an instance I'll think to call her. Then quickly I'll remember she's gone. If your grandparents are still around or just one of them. Call them talk and listen and ask all the questions you can think of about him or her younger life. Cause when you get older and they are gone it's to late. And those questions will come to mind.
Great post and reminds me of the memories I have hunting with my grandad that we called Pap. He died in 2005 a month after his 85th birthday. My dad didn't deer hunt and he's the one that would take my brother and I. Killed my first deer with him on a juvenile hunt when I was 16. There's a picture of him hanging on my fridge that I see every day. The preacher joked at his funeral that if someone went to the hospital or was sick and needed something he'd try to beat the Brewers there but was always after them. That's how they were…always doing for others. Cherish the time you have with him. What I wouldn't give for one more day with mine.
I have been in the gun business for close to 50 years. I tell all my friends and clients to keep and treasure their family guns. They are a link to the ones we loved and learned from. When your kids handle their grandfathers guns they become part of his legacy. Great story and good to see someone who understands that being a sportsman is something that must be past down the the next generation.
Long read FYI... So my wife and my 2 boys and myself went this evening to take my papa supper tonight. Now I could talk about this man for hours and hours and it wouldn't do him justice far as just how good of a man he is. He's my best friend, taught me how to shoot, he taught me how to fish, he didn't hunt but we always shot and also taught me that being a Christian is more important than anything in this world. The 511 Remington 22 in the picture was the first gun I ever fired when I was 9. The 20 gauge Steven's 311 was the second. Papa is 87 years old and him and my grandmother <MEMA> as everyone in town calls her as well as her 3 grandkids and 4 great grandkids, were hit by a driver under the influence who ran a red-light this past May. Ultimately mema passed away about a week later in the hospital and he about didn't make it. Since May he has had 2 more surgeries just from problems that have arose from the wreck. This man had a broke clavicle, 3 vertebrae is his kneck/back, broke leg, 4 broke ribs, broke wrist, and then some just in May when the wreck happened. He fought back, and was able to go home after 4 months in a rehab facility. This next year would have been my grandparents 70th wedding anniversary. Just think about that. That's longer than some people live. This man has withstood more than I could ever imagine. Mema was his world and he was hers. This evening when we left he said, Thank you Jordan, you really don't know what this means to me. And it hit me like a ton of bricks. Everything that he has done for his family all these years and he was truly thanking me for a bowl of spaghetti and the time we was there with him this evening. Just reminded me how I need to strive be more unselfish. He is the epitomy of being a selfless, humble, sacrificing and most importantly Christian i have ever had the pleasure of knowing. I got out his guns before we left and was showing them to my boys and talking about how i was their age when i shot them and he said, yeah they need a good cleaning, why don't you take em home. Let those boys shoot em first then clean em real good for me. I told him sounded like a plan. If you have a papa or loved one that means the world to you, call them up tomorrow and just talk with them. We don't know how long we will be here on this earth. Just needed to brag on Papa for a few minutes.
Great story, thanks for sharing
Sorry for the onion cutting lol I tasted some saltwater after I went back and read it as well😆 wish everyone could just sat down and have a conversation with him like I can. I've started recording some of them. Again, thanks for the kind words.