Patience does it again. Congrats!!!
Man, 8 hours is dedication for sure. Ive logged 5 hours once and 4 hours a few times working a bird but hats off to you for hanging in there and taking a well deserved bird.Opening found me in a familiar area, at daylight the only gobbling I heard was a two day hike away. However, several hundred yards out a lead from me a group of Jake's and hens were having quite a party. With nothing else happening I decided to head that way. I set up and called to them and was greeted with a cacophony of Jake yelps and hen talk.
muttering to myself this is a waste but suspecting there had to be a mature bird with this group as it wasn't just a few birds.
soon I hear them start flying down, and once it seemed all were on the ground I cut really aggressively at the group. Low and behold a bird hammered back.
over the next 8 hours, yes 8 long grueling hours I stuck with this flock only being able to keep track of them by hearing the longbeard drumming and occasional hen clucks.
I sealed it around hour 6 when they began to drift towards a point I knew well, and circled out in front. It still took two hours to coax the hens to me and past me dragging him behind them.
At 25 steps I ended one of the longest most grueling kills I've ever had. I was starving, aching, and drained. But found success. It wasn't the perfect game as he only gobbled the once, but it was a quest to rid the world of his non gobbling genetics haha. The group had 6 jakes and probably 12-14 hens.
1" Spurs, rat 8.5" beard. Really surprised he wasn't a brute with his harem and watch dogs.