Peep tied in with sliding knot


Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2007
Reaction score
Cookeville, TN
Rick at Dickson Sportsman tied my peep in with a sliding knot so I could adjust the peep up or down if needed. Well, I was only able to get the top knot to budge a little. The knots are pretty tight. A guy at BPS told me this is a junk knot and the peep will move out of position. I have the peep where I want it now and don't want it to move. Will it move with the sliding knot after shooting?
Never seen or heard of a sliding knot so if I was betting on a guy that works at a pro shop and a guy at bps. Pro shop everytime. I may have to look that sliding knot up, sounds interesting.
I have mine tied in so that I can move them up or down the string. After you get it set mark the top and bottom of the peep with a sharpie. You can add a drop of glue to the spot where the serving material crosses the bow string to hold it in place. If you do that you should plan on not moving it again. I like mine to be moveable so I can try different releases with slightly different anchor points. My peep on my hunting bow is not moveable.
ShaneHallum said:
It is a Slip knot or Sliding? I've never heard or seen a sliding knot.

If you serve a section above and below the peep you pretty much can't move it. If you just tie a knot with serving thread around the peep you can slide the whole thing up and down the bow string.

A guy I shot with at an ASA was kind rude. Somebody slid his peep all the way down to his center serving Sunday morning before we shot. He didn't have it marked and didn't realize it with enough time to get it set back correctly. He had a loooong day.
JayMc said:
I have mine tied in so that I can move them up or down the string. After you get it set mark the top and bottom of the peep with a sharpie. You can add a drop of glue to the spot where the serving material crosses the bow string to hold it in place. If you do that you should plan on not moving it again. I like mine to be moveable so I can try different releases with slightly different anchor points. My peep on my hunting bow is not moveable.

Thats what I do with my peep too . I serve the peep above and below the peep , and once I have it set , I also wrap serving around the peep in the groove in my Meta peep.
I would trust the guys at Dicksons to do it right. I wouldn't pit two shops against each other comparing their service . They are always going to criticize another shops work to gain your business.
Yep, I'm a little OCD Scott, but it helps me lock into something and work hard at it. I can't help it, but I will try! It does help getting tips like marking the peep with a Sharpie. I have learned alot from your tips and others, so do y'all take cash or check ;) I just marked the string where the peep lays and now I know where it should be if it moves. Rick at Dickson Sportsman served it just like you described. I talked about the peep when I dropped by BPS and he dissed the slip knot, but he is a good guy and I buy stuff from them. I walked out with a 3/16 Meta Peep for hunting and will probably drop in to by some more stuff. Did I mention I'm having fun? :D
UTGrad, I used the Sliding serving when I worked at Hunts. The serving will not usually move on its own. You will have to make it move, if it is tied tight enough (and I am sure Rick tied it tight enough). Some people just like to make themselves appear smarter or superior and will criticize anothers work. Take JayMc's advice and mark your peep and Scott's tip about tieing around the peep. Avoid people who would sabotage you at a tournament. If you really can't get past the thought of the movable serving then I would be happy to meet you sometime and show you how to serve you peep several different ways.

P.S. I had never used this serving before I was shown how to tie it at Hunt's. I was leery of it at first. But after serving several hundred peeps with only two brought back for moving, I am convinced it works pretty well. (the two that were brought back the bow owners admitted to trying to "fix" it from moving, before it actually did move and then they moved it and couldn't ever get back right again)
I shot a peep without it tied in at all for a month on my target bow...never moved. If its not hit on limbs or somethign it shouldnt move.

Having worked at BPS I feel I can say they know a good amount, but most only know one way to do things...thats the hunting way. Pro shops guys know tricks and what you can get away with when just getting set up and refining a set up.
UT Grad, I would recommend getting advice from one source you trust and not from 2-3 different shops. Take everything with a grain of salt and enjoy yourself. You have any woman genes in you? :)
My peep is tied in on both ends by a sliding knot. My peep is not tied around the string at all. The pressure of the string and the sliding knots keeps the peep in place.
I actually moved it about half an inch the other day. I just slid the top knot up, moved the peep up, then moved the bottom knot up to make it tight. It works well.
There is a method I use to tie the knots using alternating overhand knots above and below the string to serve about 1/2" on each side of the peep. I wax the serving material before tying , and put the bow in a press to relax the string so I can get the knots very tight .They allow the peep to be moved , but it will stay in place once the serving is moved towards the peep , holding it in place.
It is a method that I learned from an archery technician years ago. Works for me. ;)

Here is a link explaining the method. Read on down the page:
UTGrad said:
richmanbarbeque said:
UT Grad, I would recommend getting advice from one source you trust and not from 2-3 different shops. Take everything with a grain of salt and enjoy yourself. You have any woman genes in you? :) :confused:

I heard he wears his wife's jeans, but only when she lets him "wear the pants" :D