Pincher goes down!

Some of the most impressive G3s I have ever seen! I also Love the piece of straw hanging out of his mouth like it was meant to be there! Congrats on a fantastic buck
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Been playing cat and mouse with this buck over the past couple weeks but we finally met up. He was headed to a couple of persimmon trees that had started dropping. These persimmon trees are on the edge of a large grown up field and we put a small 20x50 yard long kill plot along the persimmon trees as well. Having bedding and food as well as a food source that is limited in time once it hits the ground really pulls deer in. I've killed my biggest bucks earlier in the season when a mature buck is much more patternable. Throw in a cold front and knowledge that a target buck is using the area and you'll probably have an encounter. Also, this buck was taken in Hardeman county around Grand Junction. The heart of CWD country. Don't let the fear tactics scare you, you can still allow deer to mature even with CWD. Every deer I've harvested over the past few years has been positive and all have been 4.5+. Bucks need genetics to grow a large set of antlers but more importantly they need age.
Cograts on a awesome buck. I like the read but here at my place (20 acres) age they can't get my grown neighbors on 2 sides kills every that grows a bone on its head. I've done mini food plots have few oaks and persimmons but I wished I could high fence them for 4.5 years.
Congratulations on getting a nice above average mature 4.5 year old buck in the midst of CWD territory. As your neighbor hunting Ames, we have decided to squash QDM for the sake of CWD. As the result, our 4.5 year old buck population is much smaller now. There are a few here and there but probably less than half relative to the hay day a few years ago. CWD is now endemic in the herd and the environment. It was bound to get there eventually and not sure we did much to slow it's spread. But, here we are and not likely to go back to a trophy program. It would take several years and enforcement which is no longer possible with upcoming retirements in several key positions in management of the plantation. It's sad on many levels, but I believe the best of deer hunting in this area is a bygone era. Nevertheless, there's always a great buck to chase somewhere. It appears you found one!
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Been playing cat and mouse with this buck over the past couple weeks but we finally met up. He was headed to a couple of persimmon trees that had started dropping. These persimmon trees are on the edge of a large grown up field and we put a small 20x50 yard long kill plot along the persimmon trees as well. Having bedding and food as well as a food source that is limited in time once it hits the ground really pulls deer in. I've killed my biggest bucks earlier in the season when a mature buck is much more patternable. Throw in a cold front and knowledge that a target buck is using the area and you'll probably have an encounter. Also, this buck was taken in Hardeman county around Grand Junction. The heart of CWD country. Don't let the fear tactics scare you, you can still allow deer to mature even with CWD. Every deer I've harvested over the past few years has been positive and all have been 4.5+. Bucks need genetics to grow a large set of antlers but more importantly they need age.
Congrats! Awesome deer man.