Planning for next year...


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2009
Reaction score
I guess hope spings eternal for we poor misguided turkey hunters... :grin: .
Anyway, I've already been thinking about next year and which WMA's ,state forests, NWR's, etc I'd like to try out.
I'd appreciate any advice on which one's you'd be willing to drive several hours to get to. I've hunted LBL, Cheatham, Cross Creeks, and Cedars of Lebanon with some success. But, would like to try out some others.
If you don't want to post open forum, a PM would be great.
I don't know how far you want to drive but Yanahli is a little further south... maybe a couple hours or so south of cheatham. Gets a lot of pressure though and hunting gets tougher as the season progresses. Early season is the best time to kill em. Can't say anything publicly about spots to hunt on there, best to do some scouting and use a map because it's very broken up into many parcels of land rather than one big piece of land like Cheatham. It is covered in turkeys but they will disappear as they are hunted throughout the season.