Well-Known Member
End of September to mid October
Hard to say for certain but this is where trail cams shine. Having historical trail cam data will show you a span of time when that specific property has the most daylight activity for bucks. My place in Ohio is last week of October. Here in southern middle TN it's second week of November. And it's a repeating pattern year after year in terms of timeline.
You're going to love the cam data, if you use it wisely. To say I'm a bit anal about my trail-camera data would be a serious understatement. Below is a graph of all older buck camera events over the last 7 years from a single property, October through December (the red line is total events, the black line just those events that occurred during legal shooting hours ["Daylight"]). Looking at this data makes it clear what are traditionally the best days to be hunting on this property. Every property will be different.Hes got cams up but they just went up this year so not alot of data to collect from. I like this idea though.
We've been discussing possibly setting up some food plots or something, but the area is all woods. Lots of work.
You're going to love the cam data, if you use it wisely. To say I'm a bit anal about my trail-camera data would be a serious understatement. Below is a graph of all older buck camera events over the last 7 years from a single property, October through December (the red line is total events, the black line just those events that occurred during legal shooting hours ["Daylight"]). Looking at this data makes it clear what are traditionally the best days to be hunting on this property. Every property will be different.
Due to work and life, he hasn't been able to be consistent in checking the cards and any kind of data collection. I'll have to see if he will let me dig a little further into it. So far he just sends me screen captures of some of the deer that show up.
Excel Spreadsheets are your friend! I log every buck picture (or at least, every "event," the time a buck first triggers the camera). I enter the date, time, location, and estimated buck age. That would be a good starting point for analyzing trail-camera data.Hmmm....for me to extrapolate the correct data from that chart, I'm going to need the EXACT gps coordinates of those trail cams
We will have to do this going forward. This is his first year on the property and he's got several cams up. Havent seen any monsters but there's some decent 6 points and 2 7 points up there pretty consistently.
We'll have to work on getting a system down. I like what you've done with the charts. Due to work and life, he hasn't been able to be consistent in checking the cards and any kind of data collection. I'll have to see if he will let me dig a little further into it. So far he just sends me screen captures of some of the deer that show up.