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I've got a serious problem on my lease in Hurricane Mills with road hunters. Our lease is off hwy 230 close to Loretta Lynns. Last year 7 deer got shot from road. This year 4 have been shot. I found a buck that got shot Thursday night. They didn't even come back and get him. Just killing for no reason. Game warden is looking hard for them. For some reason a law was passed that you cannot put dummy deer out at night. If so we would have them already. They are shooting these deer at night with suppressed guns. If anyone has any information on who it might be, please respond. They are hitting places all over Humphrey county. It's the worst thing I have come across in all my years. We are gonna prosecute them to death when they get caught.
probably kids (young adults). Hope they get caught.
i would think the TWRA has more resources & could go ahead a place some well placed decoys with several camera view. Last time I was on a lease where we had trouble, I placed camera's facing cameras, down at license plate level, up high & both sides of the road.

Hope they are caught & run into a conservative judge who will give them the max & most certainly hard jail time.
You have more confidence in your Spypoints than I do mine. My 3 would likely send me 26 pictures of nothing, then not send the pic of the guy shooting from the truck holding his ID up to the camera. I'd see it 2 weeks later when I swapped cards.
If it didn't explode before you pulled the SD card.

(Yes, this actually happened)
It's my understanding that a lessee can't press charges. Only the landowner. But that applies more to trespassing. Since these low down, dirty, scum sucking maggots are shooting from the road, and TWRA is already involved you shouldn't have any problems. Hopefully they nail them to the wall when they catch them. I didn't know about the decoy at night thing.
I'm a lessee and I have prosecuted a bunch of them! From road hunting, trespassing, baiting, and spotlighting. Never had a bit of trouble and owner never once has had to show up at court. Landowner has never been involved.
Bicolor Lespadeza planted along the road worked well for us. It grows thick and a height of about 8-10'. Our road hunting issue we're gone after planting this in the visible fields they were shooting in. Bushog it about every4-5yrs and it'll keep growing well. It'll last for years.
Id have to place my "archery buck target" way off the road and obscured a little by tree branches with a trail camera in the direction of the road to see where the "deer" are crossing the road. Once I got pictures of these "deer" then I'd post their faces everywhere. If they shot my "archery target" then I'd want reimbursement.
Just because it is against the rules for LE to put out a decoy doesn't mean it is for you unless an officer tells you to do it. Put one out and try to get a tc photo. Also, try to find the law that says they can not do it. Just because they say it doesnt make it so. A lot of officers have been told stuff through the years by old heads and they just take it as true and pass it on down, A bunch of times, they were told wrong. Personal experience.