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It follows your search history 🙄
Sometimes, but I found that it displays random stuff too. I use Edge at work, and due to it being a government PC, I never search some of the stuff it displays there. You would think the stuff would be blocked, but some weird stuff gets through.
Sometimes, but I found that it displays random stuff too. I use Edge at work, and due to it being a government PC, I never search some of the stuff it displays there. You would think the stuff would be blocked, but some weird stuff gets through.
If you missed my interaction I had a few weeks ago, it was all sarcasm
Remember, it's not just what you browsed on that particular computer and browser. The marketers have an elaborate ecosystem that identifies/aggregates everything at the household level. All devices that belong to a household, their age group, all browsers used on various devices, including smart tv. They will market to you anything you have touched from within the ecosystem to any device that is part of the household. When you are on a site, a bazillion tags fire behind the scenes informing marketers (Facebook, Google, Amazon, Salesforce, Criteo, Live Ramp, TTD etc), you are around and how far along you have progressed with an interaction on a website. When you browse, you don't see these (unless you know how to). These marketers in turn disseminate this info to gazillion other partners, based on how they want to optimize performance and profitability. Browsers like Brave (and recently Apple) block these external calls (which affected Facebook advertising). And to comply with many privacy rules, they aggregate info without personal info, but remember, if you are online, you are a household ID in many marketing databases already.

Even then, some of the ads I see (especially Facebook on desktop browser) still baffles me.

Most websites now personalize the content based on your history and interest, and so are the ads too. So, what you see is mostly tailored to your interest.
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