Poult report 2022

Zero in Claiborne all summer
Yeah no kidding.
Down the road from me, this one field always had a mess of turkeys.
This spring, none.
Yotes are thick in my valley.
Last year


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Been watching two groups in East TN, one hen started with 8, she now has 2 .
The other group has two hens with 6 poults.
Have seen several hakes this summer.
Ive been seeing 2 or 3 hens with about a dozen or more poults that are getting bigger now here in the mtns of East TN. They seem to be very healthy. Also have seen 3-4 gobblers come in with them from time to time.


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I see 2 hens and 8 poults daily in my backyard. They roost in a large maple and ash tree, flying up around 6:30. Earlier this week, one of the poults was practicing his gobbling and wasn't very good at it. 😆
Haven't seen a turkey behind my house since April. The wheat that was in I feel moved them out of there. Glad to see them come back now. Hopefully they'll stick around in the spring too since I won't have wheat there again.
Saw 2 groups yest morn in a fresh cut hayfield on my place. One had 3 lone hens, the other group had 2 adults and 6 juvies.

Been averaging 1 to 1.2 pph so far, way better than past few years, but still not enough to maintain overall population.
Saw a big bunch just now down from the house. Poults looked large, I'd guess maybe 8-10 poults with a handful of hens? Honestly it was hard to get a look at all of them but it was a fair sized mess of turkeys with at least a good portion youngins. This is the first I've seen near the house or close on the farm. Likely some of the ones I saw on a neighbor earlier this summer but still good to see.
Saw another group of 8 today on a different farm. I initially thought all 8 were adult hens without poults, but after studying them for a while, realized one was a jake from this spring. Early hatch and the juvies were the same size as the adults already. No idea how many of the group of 8 were poults other than the jake (wing patches obscured by the tall grass)

Also saw the hen with 9 poults beside the farm house again today... but now she is down to 8. Saw another 4 hens without any poults.
Any updated sightings of this summer's survivors. Had two hens on the farm with ten between them in June. Seen them a few days back looks like 5 made it , another hen lve been watching started with 8 but as of yesterday she has 2.
I have seen them all over, yesterday I seen 9 more as I turned on the road to go home for Church. I have seen more this year than I ever remember. No clue why but I am just glad to see them.
Believe this is the same group I posted late summer. Still appears to be ~12 left.

Best news - my neighbor is an avid trapper (As in, it's what he does for a living) and he has been pretty hard on the predators already.

After deer season, going to open up our property for him to run trap lines on.


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