I have read a good bit of research (abstracts, papers, etc) about the eastern wild turkey and their breeding behavior(s); all of it states general conclusions about photoperiod or latitude and the inception of breeding, with a minor influence of warmer weather and March ground temps. What I have not found is a hard data set, or sets, that would show me explicit dates of breeding and the range of days/weeks/months it occurred over. I would LOVE to see this data and interpret it for myself. I would even venture to think the dynamics of the local turkey population may have a localized effect on breeding, kind of like one size does not fit all if you will. As has been stated, BSK will tell you MOST breeding in a balanced herd occurs during a 4-6 week window, however, he will also tell you breeding falls under a Bell curve with a FEW examples falling outside of the norm on the extreme edges (the exceptions, not the rule). A sound biological data set similar to fetal conception backdating with numerous examples over several years would satisfy my curiosity. If anyone knows where I can get my hands on something like this, please post up a link, abstract, paper title, researchers name, professors name, etc. Thanks in advance.