Powerbelt Bullets!!

I know first hand that the Power belt Aerotip 250gr bullet expands great.


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Heresy!!!! I will never shoot a 45 caliber pistol bullet out of a 50 caliber rifle! The whole point of an MZ is knock a huge hole through a deer!

Honestly, I'm just stuck in the past. Just like a still "think like a bow-hunter" when setting up stands, even though I haven't bow-hunted in 15 years, I still "think like a Hawken shooter" when it comes to muzzleloaders, even though I've been using an inline for 20 years. For me, it's all about full-passthroughs with the heaviest, largest caliber bullet possible.
Interesting. I shoot a 40 caliber bullet out of a 45, I would be surprised to see a 50 caliber leave as good an exit hole as the 40 calibers I shoot out of my 45. Actually never have seen a 50 caliber leave a hole as well as the the 195 gr barnes expanders I shoot. And I have killed deer out to 260 yards with them and they put a hurt on deer. Always exit and leave a hole for sure.
Fascinating. Thanks for posting. I would like to try those. What diameter have you tried? How hard are they to load?
I'd ordered a 420 grain sizing pack and went with the 0.501, which had the best fit. I'm no expert at this, but it seemed to be tight enough it had a good seal but not so tight it was hard to get down the barrel. They also shot better with a lighter powder charge, 80 grains of Pyrodex. I'd worked this load up thinking I was going to draw an elk tag. I never drew the tag and have since gone back to sabots for deer. But, if I had to go back to shooting full bore bullets, I'd shoot these again, in a heart beat.
Fascinating. Thanks for posting. I would like to try those. What diameter have you tried? How hard are they to load?
The muzzleloader section on the Monster Muleys forum has a lot of good info on shooting the larger full bore bullets because they're required in several western states.
and out of a 45, powerbelts are terrible, killed 14 deer with them before I gave them up, Never an exit, killed the deer but never exited.

The 223 gr powerbelt platinums performed great. Killed 2 buck standing in almost exact same spot 2 years apart, 160 yard shot. They exited and performed great but at best were 1-1/2" at 100 yards.

Started shooting the 195 gr barnes expanders with a harvester sabot. Awesome bullets, one hole at 100 yards and will shoot moa out to 300, well when I am having a good day shooting they will. For sure killers.

Got a new 45 accura LR last year. Only killed one deer with it so far. Shooting the 280gr powerbelt elr out of it. Haven't shot it enough to say, but not sure it will be as accurate as the barnes, but it is close to 2300 fps out of the barrel over a magneto. Should kill a long ways once I get to shoot and confirm where to hold.
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I'm exactly the opposite. A 50 caliber hole is plenty big. I DON'T want much expansion, as that can slow the bullet down and prevent a full pass-through.
Some expansion is better than no expansion. I agree with having a pass through, put I don't wanna shoot an animal with a bullet that's gonna act like a field tip on an arrow. Punching holes is fine for paper.
Some expansion is better than no expansion. I agree with having a pass through, put I don't wanna shoot an animal with a bullet that's gonna act like a field tip on an arrow. Punching holes is fine for paper.
Even at 50 caliber in and out, a bullet that size is going to reek a lot of havoc as it's going through. Lots of soft tissue damage and bleeding.

Some expansion is fine, as long as the two critical aspects of bullet performance are maintained: 1) full pass-through, and 2) maximum bullet retention (bullet isn't shedding a lot of weight).
I used to shoot the original power belt hollow point out of a 45 caliber . I never had to track a deer as they always fell immediately or within sight. I had one run about 75 yards one day and I went back to look for blood just to see. It would have been tough tracking! Now on the inside there was total devastation . So I do understand about the trailing part. I switched to that polymer tipped areolite as from what I understand it slows the expansion a little and I have seen pictures of total pass through and great blood trails as I read a lot before I buy something. I hope they work as I have not shot a deer yet with one. I have become a deer watcher just waiting on a certain buck, Lol . My wife thinks I am crazy but my son keeps us in meat.
It just takes one deer not to leave a blood trail and your screwed. Like bsk said 10 foot with no blood is as good a 1/2 a mile. I tried the power belts when the craze hit. Lost first deer shot with them. And yes I saw where it hit. I'll never use them again. Even if they are improved. Barnes. Works 100 per cent. That one came out of 200 lb buck shot quartering your me. Retrieved bullet in offside ham just under skin.


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Even at 50 caliber in and out, a bullet that size is going to reek a lot of havoc as it's going through. Lots of soft tissue damage and bleeding.

Some expansion is fine, as long as the two critical aspects of bullet performance are maintained: 1) full pass-through, and 2) maximum bullet retention (bullet isn't shedding a lot of weight).
Wouldn't a round ball achieve both a pass thru and acceptable weight retention? I'm not old enough to remember them being popular to use.
Wouldn't a round ball achieve both a pass thru and acceptable weight retention? I'm not old enough to remember them being popular to use.
I've shot a few with a patched round ball and they absolutely blew through a deer and left an impressive blood trail. But then we go down the traditional vs. modern rabbit hole. Modern inlines just aren't made for the patch and ball.
Go ahead and flame me but.... Powerbelts are not good bullets. If you want to shoot a quality .50 caliber bore size projectile try the Federal Bor lock either the copper 270 grain or lead grain. They a little more money than PBs for a pack. Like 3 gallons of gas, spend it.
Both of these will exit an Elk with a stout load of BH209 or 777. So for deer the are awesome. We have no restrictions on muzz here in TN, shoot Barnes sabots, try the 250 or 290 TEZ or the 250 or 300 MZ if you want reliable kills and are tired of shooting big bucks twice with powerbelts. I have used them a long time and have been trying to get friends of them for years only one won't give them up but he shoots the heavy ones that penetrate better. Yes they work ok on deer most of time...so does a 223. Lots of Barnes fans out there for a reason.

Been using these for years, I've recovered exactly zero bullets.
Wouldn't a round ball achieve both a pass thru and acceptable weight retention? I'm not old enough to remember them being popular to use.
Try them. Nothing goes through LESS than a roundball. First, they have low weight (less inertia). Second, they flatten out like a pancake, dramatically slowing their penetration speed.