President's Island questions

^^^ My thoughts exactly. We always hear from the 1-3 hunters who kill a 135"+ plus buck, but we rarely hear from the other 30 who hunted all weekend and went home empty handed. It is not year 2000 when PI hunt rivaled some of the best hunts in the Midwest. Pray for cold weather and manage your expectations. With that said, we have not had extreme high water on the big river in 3-4 years, so that is a plus. No one can point to recent flooding for lack of deer sightings, lack of opportunity, etc. Best of luck if you draw.
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Unfortunately, major flooding could happen a week or two before any year's draw hunt.
Major flooding is always a wild card risk for this area.
Historical MS River hydrographs do not support this concern. Fall months are traditionally some of the lowest MS River stages of the calendar year. With that said, November is one of the wettest months of the year when looking at monthly precipitation for Memphis area. My bigger concern would be an untimely warm front like we have had a few times over the last decade, and like I personally experienced at PI in 2017. Unlikely, but possible the first week of December, and a bummer for daytime deer movement.
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Buddy and I are sitting on 12 points currently and while the island may not be what it once was....we've come to far down river to paddle back now....and theres still an opportunity to be around some nice bucks....but when we draw, hopefully in a couple years, we plan to camp in the area TWRA has designated. Looking forward to it....good luck to those who draw this year.
I believe some 12s will be drawn
Possibly even some 11s, even some 10s.
Many are applying with others who have less priority, many of these purposefully so as NOT to be drawn (this year). That opens up slots for those wanting to be drawn (this year).

There also is a growing number who recognize PI may no longer be worth waiting, maybe not even another year. IMO, there's a better chance this year at killing an equal or higher scoring buck at the Milan Arsenal vs PI.

One of the risks of waiting to be drawn for PI is that this WMA could be eliminated at any time. Haven't seen this risk mentioned previously (in this thread).

That PI land is leased to TWRA, originally for the primary purpose of knocking down the deer population (which was very overpopulated). Between the doe-only hunts and Mother Nature, that primary goal was achieved about a decade ago.

Contrary to what some may think, TWRA being able to lease PI had more to do with reducing the deer density than anything to do with offering hunters a better "trophy" buck opportunity. But today, the landowner could probably find plenty of people willing to pay more than TWRA is currently paying for their very limited opportunity deer-only lease. They could also just sell it, any time.
I believe some 12s will be drawn
I hope so. I'm going in with 12 and thought awful hard about just using those points to hunt Milan. Figured I've waited this long though might as well see it through just to say I've hunted PI. Unless I'm one of the lucky few who manages to kill I'll probably start trying to draw a good hunt at Milan every few years going forward.
Possibly even some 11s, even some 10s.
Many are applying with others who have less priority, many of these purposefully so as NOT to be drawn (this year). That opens up slots for those wanting to be drawn (this year).

As far as putting in with others who have less points to not be drawn....Isnt it possible to only apply for a preference point and not even enter the drawing? At least I think it was that way at one time? Option to "Buy" a point...which would take you out of the current year draw...but you could continue to build points.
As far as putting in with others who have less points to not be drawn....Isnt it possible to only apply for a preference point and not even enter the drawing? At least I think it was that way at one time? Option to "Buy" a point...which would take you out of the current year draw...but you could continue to build points.
Yes. The old way of doing business was to apply with someone who had minimal preference points (0,1,2....) to guarantee you do not get drawn, but you got a preference point. In the last few years, TWRA has added the option of purchasing a preference point to increase your total preference points for out years quota hunts, thus negating the need to apply with someone with lower preference points.
Yes. The old way of doing business was to apply with someone who had minimal preference points (0,1,2....) to guarantee you do not get drawn, but you got a preference point. In the last few years, TWRA has added the option of purchasing a preference point to increase your total preference points for out years quota hunts, thus negating the need to apply with someone with lower preference points.
I did that for a few years to make sure I didn't draw. I have a buddy who has several points now that I paid for lol.
Milan has had hunts for years. l have a good friend who worked there, hunted it alot. It has never had the quality deer the island has. Nor will it. Now turkeys, yes. But to think it will turn out high quality bucks , antler wise as the island, it wont. Soil doesnt have it. l asked him the best buck score wise he knew of to be taken at Milan, he said maybe 150 class. He would patrol it, drive all over it, late evenings, watching bean fields. Saw lots deer. Just not many bigger antlered deer. Still a good opportunity to hunt for many.
Milan has had hunts for years. l have a good friend who worked there, hunted it alot. It has never had the quality deer the island has. Nor will it. . . . . l asked him the best buck score wise he knew of to be taken at Milan, he said maybe 150 class. . . . . Still a good opportunity to hunt for many.
I agree, but let me put in better context.
First, very few bucks have been taken at PI scoring over 150, although yes, a higher percentage of what's there should.

But here's the main thing, looking at a particular hunter's "opportunity" to take a "good" buck:

At Milan, you can hunt with a gun, instead of a bow.
Plus, Milan's opportunity is much more consistently good.

When I went on my once-in-my-lifetime hunt to PI in 2016,
there were 3 of us in my group. All of us were left wondering
why we had forfeited over a decade of other opportunities
for what turned out to be a big nothing-burger for us.

Prior to this year (2023), Milan was not an option of the TWRA quota hunts.
Relatively few people knew about it.
I agree, but let me put in better context.
First, very few bucks have been taken at PI scoring over 150, although yes, a higher percentage of what's there should.

But here's the main thing, looking at a particular hunter's "opportunity" to take a "good" buck:

At Milan, you can hunt with a gun, instead of a bow.
Plus, Milan's opportunity is much more consistently good.

When I went on my once-in-my-lifetime hunt to PI in 2016,
there were 3 of us in my group. All of us were left wondering
why we had forfeited over a decade of other opportunities
for what turned out to be a big nothing-burger for us.

Prior to this year (2023), Milan was not an option of the TWRA quota hunts.
Relatively few people knew about it.
I hunted PI shortly after the 500 year flood. Even though I suffered through a thunderstorm that turned into an ice storm sever enough I was fearful of not being able to get into my truck or load my utv. Despite all that I saw two bucks that were monsters. They ran like beef cattle not a deer with very thick racks. I have applied every year since even though I'm in my mid-60's

Unless Milan has changed since I hunted it; it's not worth the effort. Having to get a key and return every morning and evening is painful and time consuming. All the areas that were available for the general public to hunt showed signs of being heavily hunted. I later heard that people living on the outskirts of the arsenal hunted it regularly. If they have opened up the inner sanctuary that was reserved for employees, military personnel and other government workers then it will be worthwhile. IMHO
As far as President's Island goes, I have a couple of questions and/or looking for advice.

I hunt 100% of the time in Unit L which has a 2 buck limit. With President's Island being in the CWD unit (and that buck limit being 3 in that unit), wouldn't I be able to still take 2 bucks in unit L in addition to one on the Island if I was lucky enough to make that happen? (feel free to PM advice on where on the island I could up my odds on this, lol)

Secondly, and perhaps more importantly, where is the safest/best area to stay as far as hotels, etc? I don't have a camper or camping gear for December weather.

At 46 years old, I am treating this like a one and done hunt as I probably wouldn't put in for again and would likely be too old by the time I got drawn again anyway.
Millington is North of there by 30 minutes or so and has a couple of nice motels. I would
I agree, but let me put in better context.
First, very few bucks have been taken at PI scoring over 150, although yes, a higher percentage of what's there should.

But here's the main thing, looking at a particular hunter's "opportunity" to take a "good" buck:

At Milan, you can hunt with a gun, instead of a bow.
Plus, Milan's opportunity is much more consistently good.

When I went on my once-in-my-lifetime hunt to PI in 2016,
there were 3 of us in my group. All of us were left wondering
why we had forfeited over a decade of other opportunities
for what turned out to be a big nothing-burger for us.

Prior to this year (2023), Milan was not an option of the TWRA quota hunts.
Relatively few people knew about it.
They have had hunts at Milan for years, not thru TWRA. You put in, got drawn, had to attend a hunter safety class. I promise you, its been hunted for years.
They have had hunts at Milan for years, not thru TWRA. You put in, got drawn, had to attend a hunter safety class. I promise you, its been hunted for years.
Correct, but hunting hasn't been publicly offered (through Milan Arsenal or TWRA) in a couple of years. I'm not saying "it hasn't been hunted at all", just that no "legal" public offering has been on the table. In fact, very little public hunting opportunity since the pandemic. I think that reason alone has peaked some folk's interest. As mentioned above, the hassle isn't worth the "opportunity" for reward for a lot of folks who have limited time to take off work and hunt. I'm anxious to see if access (ingress/egress) to hunting areas with be the same hassle as in the past, or more hunter friendly with TWRA running it. Time will tell. Good luck to those who go for it.
Correct, but hunting hasn't been publicly offered (through Milan Arsenal or TWRA) in a couple of years. I'm not saying "it hasn't been hunted at all", just that no "legal" public offering has been on the table. In fact, very little public hunting opportunity since the pandemic. I think that reason alone has peaked some folk's interest. As mentioned above, the hassle isn't worth the "opportunity" for reward for a lot of folks who have limited time to take off work and hunt. I'm anxious to see if access (ingress/egress) to hunting areas with be the same hassle as in the past, or more hunter friendly with TWRA running it. Time will tell. Good luck to those who go for it.
I'm also interested to see how this whole access thing works out. Something I've thought about is that even though it hasn't been "publicly" offered, it sounds like it has been hunted by the same people year after year. As someone who spent decades hunting a limited access quota hunt (Oak Ridge) I learned that I needed many years of hunting there to become efficient enough to even pattern deer movements. Having just 1 day to scout, may not be enough to to justify burning points on the hunt. But, since each hunter is assigned an area, a guy can have a really productive scouting day in a single day.

It's probably noticeable, but I've got mixed thoughts about this hunt. I'm glad to see it being offered. I just don't know if it's worth burning points for. If access is a hassle, it could be a good hunt for those of us with calm heads and can accept it for what it is.
They have had hunts at Milan for years, not thru TWRA. . . . . . I promise you, its been hunted for years.
Yes, but so has PI WMA.
In fact, there are private inholding on the same island as PI, AND most of the south side of PI is a private hunting club. These private land hunters on PI hunt the entire Unit L season, and they use rifles instead of archery.

PI has better potential for a top-end buck.
But as a hunter carrying a rifle instead of a bow on a weekend hunt,
a particular hunter may himself have a better opportunity at Milan.
This is especially the case if that hunter is not an ACCOMPLISHED bowhunter.