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Presidents island statistics

Fast Learner

Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2008
Anyone have any idea what the preference point numbers are at Presidents Island? I went back searched a few threads but couldn't find it. Thanks
You would need to get an update, but these are the preference point counts before last year's draw.
So if I'm mathing correctly today seems I've got a 38% chance to draw this year. It's probably more like 40-42% as I'm sure a few of the folks with more or equal points will opt for a point this year.
So how many points you have entering into draw?
I had it in my head that there were 50 spots on this hunt to draw. Realized tonight there are only 30. So instead of a nearly 40% chance we draw there might be a 5% chance we draw. Oh well. Looks like it could potentially take 17 points for us to draw.
I had it in my head that there were 50 spots on this hunt to draw. Realized tonight there are only 30. So instead of a nearly 40% chance we draw there might be a 5% chance we draw. Oh well. Looks like it could potentially take 17 points for us to draw.
Buddy and I also have 13 points but this year we are putting in for preference point only because he drew a elk tag out west (limited time off work) no doubt point creep is real...But at the same time you never know who ahead of you might sit out of the draw and apply for a point...so your odds may be better than you think...good luck.
I've heard lots of stories about this place over the years. Is it really a place worth waiting 13 years or more to hunt. I like to hunt some of these more local WMA's so I can't just go for a point. In order to get a point you can't put in for any other WMA's correct.
I've heard lots of stories about this place over the years. Is it really a place worth waiting 13 years or more to hunt. I like to hunt some of these more local WMA's so I can't just go for a point. In order to get a point you can't put in for any other WMA's correct.
There was a several year period when you would be hard pressed to find a better chance at a mature buck anywhere in country. Now, not so much.
I had it in my head that there were 50 spots on this hunt to draw. Realized tonight there are only 30. So instead of a nearly 40% chance we draw there might be a 5% chance we draw. Oh well. Looks like it could potentially take 17 points for us to draw.
It was 30 quota last few years, but looks like it changed this year. 50 quota per the 2024 TWRA Quota Hunt Instructions (Adobe PDF) and the online quota hunt application. Screenshots below.


Yes, but that was 10-15 years ago. I have been underwhelmed with PI for a decade or more now. Flood stages on MS River 2017-2019 did not help matters.
My opinion, fwiw...a few years of good ag production (no flooding) and PI will produce better than average results again. There's a lot more thick stuff for deer to hide in as a result of the 2010 flooding removing probably a thousand acres of cropland, which is now grown up and not huntable. Even with the changes, 2 out of 30 hunters being successful on a 3 day archery only hunt on a mature whitetail are decent results IMO.
I almost wish it was still 30. Seems like 50 will make it awful crowded
It was 50 for several years until the year I hunted it (2017) with one of the Commissioners and his son who opted to miss school and hunt. It was crowded as h*ll IMO, and underwhelming. With a sitting Commissioner experiencing "hunters everywhere" firsthand on PI in 2017............VOILA..............the very next year, it went to 30, where it should be IMO.
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I hunted it in 2016 and found it very crowded with hunters.
Counting myself, there were 3 hunters in my group.
The other 2 didn't even see a deer while hunting,
and most of what I saw was the 1st morning.

It was apparently a great place to archery hunt for a top-end mature buck during its first few years as a WMA. Probably remains better than most WMAs for archery hunting, so the question is whether forfeiting other draw hunts for nearly 2 decades is worth it for one 3-day archery hunt on PI.

In the same time span of 15 to 20 years, you could be drawn 15 to 20 times on other WMAs, with many of those other quota hunts being with a gun instead of archery.

I decided not to try again, in part because of my age, in part because I question whether PI will even be a WMA 15 - 20 years from now. Also, the entire island is not a WMA, and there is "statewide" rifle deer hunting on the island (on a few hundred acres of private property).
It was apparently a great place to archery hunt for a top-end mature buck during its first few years as a WMA.
Correct, 2000-2010 or so was the glory days for TWRA quota archery hunt.

On a different, but sort of similar note, my best friend (general contractor and avid deer/mature buck hunter) recently built a custom home for one of the farmers who farmed/hunted PI during the 1990s. He said the guy's wall of mounted bucks looked like someone who hunted in the Midwest, and his sheds were just as impressive. One typical north of 170" and at least one buck, maybe two, grossing 180-200".
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