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Pretty neat but....


Well-Known Member
2-Step Enabled
Nov 19, 1999
Reaction score
This is pretty neat but it sucks.
You can look at the times and see that nothing was gonna sneak up on this deer.

Wish they would hang somewhere else. :mad:


benellivol said:
RiverBuck10 said:
paintball guns work well!!

Or arrows

EDIT: They've got collars, so I wouldn't stick them with an arrow.

Man I couldn't ever bring myself to shoot someones pet! I am a dog lover myself but I have set some home painted before!! :) they only feel it for a second but boy they don't come back!!
I have a rule of thumb. A collared dog gets a pass. A non collared dog and it is his ***. :D But seriously though there are too many wild dog packs running around Tennessee. I had a buddy that was walking in on rifle season and had 3 of them try to attack him. He shot one of them with his rifle and the other 2 skedaddled.
LOL paintball, slingshots :D
Ya'll are cracking me up.

Good ideas.

Wouldn't kill a dog myself.
We don't have a "wild dog" problem.
I feel your pain Ruger. I have continuous problems with dogs, and most of them aren't wild. They are neighbors who absolutely refuse to keep their dogs in their yards.
Paintball Gun.

A lot of the paintball guns have electronic triggers. If you could figure out a way to wire the camera sensor to the paintball trigger you could have some real fun.

Of course it would fire every time the sensor tripped. Would shoot anything in front of it. (deer, people, dogs, guy checking his camera that forgot about paintball gun, etc)
Kirk said:
"Of course it would fire every time the sensor tripped. Would shoot anything in front of it." ...... "guy checking his camera that forgot about paintball gun"

That sounds exactly like something Ruger would do. :grin:
DaveB said:
Sorry, but having dogs on my land would not end well, collared or not.

I agree with you. I got this text from my HCO Panda a few days ago. The pic came 30 or so minutes after I got a pic of 4 turkeys walking by. Darn dogs ticked me off!!!


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