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Prices going up?

I won't give a lot of details but I am 1 representative (out of 3) for the landowner of a large WMA now. The landowner requested the TWRA to make a certain change that will benefit hunters. The TWRA committed to making that change….however the change was not actually made in the regulation or guide so hunters won't see the benefit this season. It's very frustrating.
Did the reg have anything to do with hogs?
What does a landowner get from "loaning" ground to TWRA for public hunting use? What does TWRA get? Are landowners being generous with the impression that TWRA will make improvements and manage their ground on TWRA's dime? I'm not sure I understand how these arrangements go.
I'm not sure about TN but in KY, the KDFWR leases quite a bit of land that it then offers for public hunting. What does the landowner get? Release from liability! The DNR assumes near total liability as part of the lease. In the case of land leased in the Elk Zone, the landowner also gets 1 either sex elk tag for each 5,000 acres on which they allow public hunting. Keep in mind much of this land has been strip mined & is far less than ideal for forestry or agricultural purposes. Plus, people are going to trespass or hunt on this land whether it's leased or not.
That has nothing to do with game and fish doing what they should with license money,That is why we have National Guard.
I almost didn't reply to the ignorance of this statement. We really need an eye roll emoji.

I would wager that TWRA officers are better trained to handle situations like this than national guard units. Ultimately they are state employees trained in emergency response, responding to an emergency in their state that they are particularly well suited for.
I almost didn't reply to the ignorance of this statement. We really need an eye roll emoji.

I would wager that TWRA officers are better trained to handle situations like this than national guard units. Ultimately they are state employees trained in emergency response, responding to an emergency in their state that they are particularly well suited for.
Screw you,I stated a fact if you can't handle it cry me a handful buddy,I would really talk about ignorance you are a prime example of that I am done.
Screw you,I stated a fact if you can't handle it cry me a handful buddy,I would really talk about ignorance you are a prime example of that I am done.

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