My monster and My buddys bow are both awesome shooting and the fastest things going at three years old at the tournaments when checked. Its durable, I hunt 995 of the time with a bow and only missed about 12 days this whole tennessee season not hunting. I know there are other great bows out there . The Evo for one is PSE best bow in years and if I switched over today that would be the bow But they have had more problems with t having a come apart than any mathews ever made. The hoyt warranty is a lifetime product warranty. Whisc means when they dont make it anymore your warranty is no good . Thats from the Hoyt dealers mouth. Mathews Warranty is great they say, I dont know anybody that has ever had to use it. My son loves his PSE EVO and I like it to but side by side and we shot the same size and weight, Its not as Fast, or smooth. Its quiter but he doesnt have a quiver on his bow.
Both are Great Bows and they both will put a arrow where you want it.
leebowhunts said:
Mathews Warranty is great they say, I dont know anybody that has ever had to use it.

i have,twice. had a cable break on my zmax and cracked both limbs. replaced no questions asked. my outback was shooting all over the place and we couldn't get it tuned. on closer inspection, it also had a cracked limb. again replaced no questions asked.
As stated before the Mathews seem to average a full half inch longer on actual measured AMO draw length than what the sticker on the bow says. Once you put it in spec and tune it, it should be near the AMO draw length but they usually aren't. If you twist the string you can get the bow in spec as far as correct on measured AMO length but then your poundage will be off by nearly 8 pounds on the heavy side. They run long...anybody that shoots a lot of them will confirm that. Just take a stroll over on Archery Talk and read some of the "vs" type threads.

This is a great example here. This Evo measured AMO at full draw, spot on what it should be. The Elite Answer and K&K Vindy are the same on or within a 1/4 inch at spec, and bottomed out within 2 lbs of limbs spec.

I had two Mathews bows back in the summer...had the Z7 Magnum and an MR6. In shooting the Magnum in the store I noticed it felt quite a bit long. We checked the spec on it and it was in tune but the actual measured AMO draw on that particular bow was just over 1/2 inch long. I had to drop to a 28" draw on the sticker, to get a bow that was actually 28.5 AMO measured. When I got the MR6, they hadn't even got a demo in the stores yet. I ordered it blind and went on past experience. I ordered it as a 28" bow. When it finally came in, we put it in spec, and I noticed it still felt a tad long. That bow came in at a measured AMO draw of OVER a half inch longer than what was on the sticker. You have to watch out for that. Stickers on a bow can and will lie...a tape measure don't. My wife's Jewel actually came it right on its sticker draw though...were actually having to get her a half inch longer cam but their speedier bows are notorious for running long on draw. Spec per spec if the MEASURED AMO draw is the same, same arrow weight, poundage, the Evo 6 vs MR6...the Evo will edge it out. There was even a $1000 wager on one of the Archery Talk threads about this but nobody stepped up to the plate on it.
I shot a PSE for several years and love them. I bought a Mathews Z7 Extreme Tactical last year and love it! You really cant go wrong with either one of these manufactures! They both make great bow and it will be really up to you and what you like.
It's amazing what a few years in trends do. Who says the hunting shows doesn't have an impact? With drury brothers shooting PSE and all their advertising they have shot to the front of the line.... Again. They have great bows, warranty and the best grip in the business.