Well-Known Member
Now everyone knows at least. 60 acres is about to be overrun. You have to say these things in a pm. Or else you'll find out quickly you should have. I'm not gonna go there but many people will. Just a heads up for next time.
If your an avid public land hunter you already know about these spots. It's very easy to find out information on where you can hunt public land via onx or just a quick google search. I feel like if you're to lazy to do a 5 minute google to look up this easily accessible info, I highly doubt you're gonna put the time in to go out scout and hunt it because you saw a thread on it. With all the info out there now via apps, websites, and social media there's no secret spots anymore. Same goes for fishing with all the new technology advancements in electronics. It sucks but it's what we have to deal with now.