Well-Known Member
Congrats ,good eating .
Middle Tennessee. Unit LLittle extra sense of accomplishment/cool factor taking one by boat, especially without a motor. Congrats!
What part of the state?
Congratulations,After working the weekend, I decided to drop the canoe in this morning and hunt a new public land spot I'd scouted a few weeks back. Ended up being a good morning and a good spot. The morning started off slow, seeing nothing but squirrels and having a couple of dogs wander thru early. Was beginning to wonder if the spot was worth the effort. Then about 08:45, things picked up. Ended up having three does and two bucks come thru within 30-45 minutes. One doe decided to stop and gave me a text book quartering away pose at 13 yards. Needless to say....she won a free canoe ride back to the boat ramp. First deer of the season in the books. Life is good.