Let me begin by saying i have been hunting a piece of public for about 6 years now in the same general area. I have a couple cameras out and i have noticed that about every 2 to 3 years there is a new generation of bucks that stick around before they keave or are killed off.
Today i had an exciting hunt filled with two young bucks (1-2 years old) fighting, a 2 year old 7 point hanging out under my stand for over 3 minutes, and a spike run through. This afternoon another 2 year old 4 point and one doe that was barely bigger than a german shepard.
My dilemma is on killing young bucks. I can hear the people in the back already saying they kill for the meat and to kill it if i have the chance. For me i want to let the young ones walk so that next year they will be a decent size. Not to mention we only get 2 tags, i gun hunt a large lease with 150s and 160s all over it, and i have a 120-130 8 point on camera.
It feels right to let them walk in the moment but afterwards when i dont see a doe or a decent buck i question myself. Should i waste the tag on the young buck or am i over thunking it? Pictures of the 8 on camera and the young 7 today.
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