Question on fasting?


Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2015
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Out Hiking
I have been carnivore since April on 2024 and was doing fantastic (lost 25 lbs.) until a major dental issue (not carnivore related) forced me to eat soft foods. Therefore, I started eating carbs and the sugar/carb addiction hit strong during the two months of various procedures and I gained 20 lbs back.

Started back hard-core carnivore about 3 weeks ago and am doing great (down 10 lbs overall) and then decided to do a 72 hour fast. Sunday, I ate a pound and a half of sirloin and then started the 72 hour fast. I was expecting the worst but honestly felt great and hardly hungry throughout the whole thing. I drank about a gallon of electrolyte water every day and nothing else. I walked 3 miles on Tuesday night and 3 miles last night before my first meal back (scrambled eggs) to ease into normalcy. Not sure why but I was expecting to 1. feel a lot worse and 2. lose more than 3 lbs.
Anyone else have a similar experience? I am just not very experienced with fasting and the effects, but I assume that going into a fast having been on carnivore made it much easier than going into a fast from a SAD diet????
I did a 3 day water fast last April. I felt compelled to do it for spiritual reasons and jumped in on a whim.

I started on wednesday night. I worked thursday and friday, but saturday was the toughest. Didn't lose much weight but the 3rd day was tough, I felt very drained by the end of day 3. I was also surprised how many times I was haphazardly tempted to break it. I continued my dad duties of cooking dinner for the family and man that was tough not to sneak a bite. Friday there was a pizza party at work and I had free meat lovers offered that I turned down. Saturday I was at a kids birthday party at a local park. they had an ice cream truck show up with all you can eat free ice cream. I was offered two different awesome looking melting ice cream cones that other parents were asking me to help them eat. I politely declined.

It was tempting but I stuck with it till sunday morning. Ate slowly and felt amazing the next few weeks afterwards. There's a new surge of confidence that I know I can go 3-4 days without food and survive.

There are alot of spiritual and healthy benefits that go along with fasting.
Yes I think already being on a carnivore diet then going into a 3 day water only would be an easier transition.

Another thing besides the temptation and hunger pains on day 3 was the headaches from cutting out sugar and caffeine.

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