Quick Fletch Quick Spin


Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2010
Reaction score
Wayne Co. TN
I was wondering if anyone has used the NAP Quick Fletch Quick Spins? I was wondering how well they stick to the shafts and also how well they last?
I asked the same question last year and got mostly positive responses. But the downside is that if it breaks you have to replace the whole thing, not just one vane, because they all are attached to the same piece of shrink tube.
Thanks catman.. I have also heard that having to replace the whole thing was one of the downfalls to them.. I normally use regular wraps but i have been having trouble lately with the vanes peeling off the wraps.
catman529 said:
I asked the same question last year and got mostly positive responses. But the downside is that if it breaks you have to replace the whole thing, not just one vane, because they all are attached to the same piece of shrink tube.

I always replace all 3 vanes if one is damaged.
I used them last year on my crossbow arrows..They worked great,and even tightened my groups up.It's all im going to use from now on.
I don't like what little bit of extra weight they add to the rear. I just use a Bohning tower to fletch my Blazer. I have used quick spin vane before...they work good.
Thanks for the input fellas.. And to answer tndeerguy's question I don't know what type glue was used I had my local archery shop put them on when I bought them.. I think I have decided to by a fletcher and start doing them myself now..I have never fletched my own arrows but I guess it's time i learn how!
Fletching is not hard. You will need a few things. A vegtable peeler, a small can of acetone, loctite control gel, green scotchbrite pad, some q-tips and a few paper towels.
First, use the vegetable peeler to remove as much of the old fletching and and glue as possible. Then take the green pad to remove the remaining bit and also to "scuff" the shaft. Then take a paper towel wet with acetone and clean the shaft of residue and dust. Then take a q-tip damp with acetone and clean the base of the fletching and then run a very thin bead of loctite gel along the fletching base while it is in the clamp. Then apply clamp to the shaft and let it sit there for 2-3 minutes and then start with the next one. Afterwards apply a small dot of glue to tbe front and back of tbe fletching where it meets tbe shaft.