Rage Broadheads


Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2011
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Thinking of trying these this year. Pro shop guy says to go with T3 by G5 Outdoors instead. Thoughts?

Also for those that shoot them, 2 blade or 3 blade?
i think the rage is junk.jmo everyone has one on them lol
I would like to know myself I use naps but I don't like that they are so much larger than my arrows diameter I imagine they make a broad head for easton sst arrows
Love the Rage. There are several pretty similar broadheads out there that are all very good. I like mechanical because (being lazy) I don't want to have to worry about going from field tips to broadheads. Rage, as do most other mechs, fly the same as broadheads. They make a HUGE hole and have never had to track one more than 70 yards (so far) and a blind man can follow the blood trail. Again there are several very similar broadheads that will do the same so find ones you think you'll like and give 'em a whirl. As far as two or three blades, never tried the three blade because until this year they were illegal. They are no longer so feel free to try if desired.
I like what I hear about the blood trails cause I sure can't see blood that well if it's sparse. I like the rubber band-less design of the G5 T3's, but lots of people sure do like the Rage. Anyone tried the bloodrunner by NAP?
For what it's worth. T3's are a few dollars more and have a half inch less cutting diameter, and don't come in 125gr (my choice for broadhead weight). 1/2" more is not huge but if your broadhead passes within 1/4" from a major vessel well...Of course they haven't come out with a 6" cutting head yet so has to be a point of diminishing returns.
Rage heads are good expandables. Either 2 or 3 blade.

But IMO, unless you are a Doctor (no offense Big Orange), or a lawyer makin' big money, (like all doctors I visit do), then you probably aren't wanting to spend more than necessary for a good head.

According to Bass Pro Shop, right now, the Rage is about 40.00 per three pack. Now, these are really big, sharp, good heads. But for about TEN dollars LESS, try the Gator XP. 2 inches of DEATH. Read the reviews. Pay no attention to the guy who made the bad shot on the 10 pt. He is understandably upset and is having a hard time facing reality that HE is at fault, not the head.

A huge cutting diameter WILL give you an edge(pardon the pun).

Be warned, as with any head, make sure they are shaving sharp BEFORE they enter the woods.

Good luck!

The end of the arrow the broadhead goes on is not the end youneed to be concerned with. If you make a bad shot with a broadaxe, you are going to have problems. Rage is no better than the guy shooting one.
VERy true John...but let's be honest here ole stand hanger (btw, how sore are you today?) If we had just a few inches here and there, how many more kills would we have now??? HMMM?

Archery is a game of INCHES. And though I agree whole heartedly with you, I will add that there have been a few times where if I would have been just an inch or two further this way or that, I may have had a bigger hole in that high lung shot, a spine clipped instead of just shocked, or maybe caught that pyloric artery in the stomach on exit.

Yes, we ALL make bad shots occasionally. But a bigger cut, though it should NEVER be relied upon, MIGHT just help.
bowriter said:
The end of the arrow the broadhead goes on is not the end youneed to be concerned with. If you make a bad shot with a broadaxe, you are going to have problems. Rage is no better than the guy shooting one.
No debate here what you say is true I think we were just curious about rage broadheads
You can convert the blue practice head to a functional broadhead easily enough. They work great on good shots, provide a little more leeway and better trails on poor shots, and aren't as good on shoulder hits as a fixed blade on shoulder shots. I really don't think any of these points are in debate.
I have a friend that gave me all of his four blade muzzys a couple of years ago because he went to the rage broadheads.

Two days ago, he stopped by the house and told me that he was throwing the rage away and going back to the 90 grain, four blade muzzys....

I've never tried anything other than the four blade muzzys....
You can convert the blue practice head to a functional broadhead easily enough. They work great on good shots, provide a little more leeway and better trails on poor shots, and aren't as good on shoulder hits as a fixed blade on shoulder shots. I really don't think any of these points are in debate.


Great post!
Ordered me some of the new Grim Reapers made by Mathews. Ordered from local Mathews dealer. Got a bone bustin head like a Muzzy, 3-blade, 2" cut. Practice head flys great, actually get bout 5 yards more outta every pin. Gonna shoot the broadhead itself to make sure. They seem to be pretty durable. I shoot Rage 2-blade, have since they come out and the only complaint is the head is done if they hit a major bone. Gonna try the Grim Reapers just cause I like the head and I still get a 2" cut and its not a slice, its a hole with the 3-blade..

great head, with practice you will not be dissapointed.my only word of caution is stay away from the shoulder but you should already know that
Rage 2 blades are great! I switched to swhacher this year. I love the rage and I've killed around 15 deer with them, never had one go further than 40 yards. I believe the swhacher is a much better built broadhead with the same cutting diameter