Rage Broadheads

Nealmeally said:
Ordered me some of the new Grim Reapers made by Mathews. Ordered from local Mathews dealer. Got a bone bustin head like a Muzzy, 3-blade, 2" cut. Practice head flys great, actually get bout 5 yards more outta every pin. Gonna shoot the broadhead itself to make sure. They seem to be pretty durable. I shoot Rage 2-blade, have since they come out and the only complaint is the head is done if they hit a major bone. Gonna try the Grim Reapers just cause I like the head and I still get a 2" cut and its not a slice, its a hole with the 3-blade..


I got the same broadcasts in my quiver!
I love the rage also but completely agree with the shoulder shot being their achilles heel. I personally try to keep my aim 3 inches back from the "sweet" spot to offset the potential for a miss hit. If you hit back a little you still have good chance of hitting liver where as if you hit in front of your aim you still have a chance of sliding it behind the shoulder.
If I could afford them I would shoot them. My brother uses them and the blood trail is AWESOME!!! But like some have said, if they hit heavy bone then they are shot (no pun intended). I still use the Muzzy 3 blade 100gr and they are tough and far less expensive. If I mess one up then I don't cry, but they are far less forgiving and the blood trail is far less extensive with similar hits. IMO, the Rage broadhead is the type of product that is making bowhunting more of an "elitist" sport (along with $800 bows that are outdated faster than computers); whereas is used to be economical to bowhunt (relatively speaking), it is now probably more expensive to bowhunt than rifle or ML hunt. And to beat all, bowhunters usually want preferential treatment for the sport that they choose to pursue over using other weapons, even if they can use them while the other weaponry is in season... makes no sense to me.
the youtube of the guy shooting the ram and the rage bouncing off the shoulder shows how well they work on a shoulder.
Everyon has their own opinions. Mine however is negative. I've used muzzies for years and rarely if ever loose a deer but for some odd reason I thought I'd try rage....guess I fell victim to advertising .....Needless to say I lost not one, but two deer last season. So i have gone back to my comfort zone.
I may have fallen for the hype of the rages because they are the only broadhead I have ever owned(this will be my second year bow hunting)...but I will say this... last year I hit a deer a little too far back (he was quartering towards me) and the rages did enough damage to put that deer down and give me enough blood to follow. On that shot I believe that if the broadhead were smaller the deer may have never been recovered.

As far as a shoulder shot, I seem to remember an article in bowhunting world magazine were they did torture tests on a bunch of mechanical and fixed blade broadheads, and if I remember correctly the rage and tekan g5 are the only two mechanical blades that survived the cinder block shot. Not saying that anyone is wrong about tough bone messing one up, that's just something I remembered reading about.

And yes 40 bucks for 3 is expensive... but ...I do like how they fly (exactly like my field points) and so far they have worked like they re supposed to.
droptyne said:
I may have fallen for the hype of the rages because they are the only broadhead I have ever owned(this will be my second year bow hunting)...but I will say this... last year I hit a deer a little too far back (he was quartering towards me) and the rages did enough damage to put that deer down and give me enough blood to follow. On that shot I believe that if the broadhead were smaller the deer may have never been recovered.

As far as a shoulder shot, I seem to remember an article in bowhunting world magazine were they did torture tests on a bunch of mechanical and fixed blade broadheads, and if I remember correctly the rage and tekan g5 are the only two mechanical blades that survived the cinder block shot. Not saying that anyone is wrong about tough bone messing one up, that's just something I remembered reading about.

And yes 40 bucks for 3 is expensive... but ...I do like how they fly (exactly like my field points) and so far they have worked like they re supposed to.
get on you tube and watch the guy shoot multiple broadheads through a rusty steel barrel. The rage made it through one side and was completely trashed . The best mechanical i saw was the grim reaper, penetrated both sides and was still in one piece!! I have been out of bow hunting for 5 years and after sseeing that video and some other reviews decided the grim reaper would be best for me!! Bass pro had the rage on sale for $32-$33
Won't shoot rage again. I haven't researched G5 broadheads that much so I can't comment on them.I have read great reviews on Grim Reapers though!
Take a look at Meat Seekers. They are a bad broadhead!
My father has shot the Rage for years and loved them, but I conviced him to change this year to the GrizzTrick. He had too many deer that didn't have good bloodtrails becuase he didn't get full passthroughs. On a quartering away shot, he couldn't get the broadhead to get through the far side shoulder.

Also the grizztrick puts a pretty large hole through.